Page 25 of Wire
She gives me a small smile, nods her head and drops her hand to my shoulder, before leaning forward and brushing her soft lips against my cheek. Her floral scent swirls around me, and I wonder if it’s some type of body wash or if it’s her natural smell.
“Thank you, Wire.” She gives me one last smile before heading out the door and turning left into the hall, and the direction of Switch’s room.
I give myself a shake, taking in the screens once more. Gus is lying on a table with his shirt ripped off. Everyone looks tense as hell, but thanks to Switch’s loud as fuck voice, I can hear everything that’s going on and it sounds as if Gus will be perfectly fine. I count off how many brothers, including Tombs, I can see on my screens and let out a breath. Everyone is all accounted for, safe and sound.
Still feeling a little wired I quickly type in my passcode and pull up the GPS on my mom’s and sister’s phones. Mom is in her office in downtown Rose Grove. Eve is on shift at the hospital in Roxwell, and both Zoe and Jade are on campus around two hours away from here. I can feel myself breathing a little easier, so I log out. I told Mama I’d stopped checking on them, but what they don’t know won’t hurt them.
Switching my alerts to my watch, I grab my laptop and balance it on my forearm, getting everything open as I walk into the common room where I can hear Marx going off at Savage.
“OK fuckers. This is the second time we’ve been attacked in our own house and I dont know about you, but I’ve had e-fucking-nough of it. Savage, this seems like your shit you brought to our doorstep, so I hope you have a fucking clue on how to fix it.” Marx shoots daggers at the other man, who does not seem the least bit concerned.
“Fuck man, I would if I could, but this only happens when we’re in Rose Grove.” He shrugs his shoulders and looks at hisSAA Dex, who nods in agreement. Everyone is quiet as that sinks in. Coming to a stop at an empty space at one of the dining tables, I place my laptop down before making myself comfortable. Looking across the room, I see Chewy in her favorite spot, perched on Rhodie’s knee, squishing her lip.
“So, you’ve never been attacked at home?” Chewy asks abruptly, cutting Marx off. He just rolls his eyes and gestures for her to carry on.
Savage shakes his head. “The two times it’s happened is when we’ve been here.”
“Very interesting,” Chewy says, stroking her imaginary “thinking” beard. “Ana, you still having shipments tampered with?”
Ana nods “Yup. We thought we nipped it in the bud when we found the men that were being paid off by Hammer, but we had another shipment arrive today that was all messed up. Roman is tightening up security. We have another shipment coming in two days that Savage and Dex are transporting, and neither of us can afford for it to be missing any product.”
Chewy spins to look at Savage and Dex, making them jump with her sudden movement.
“Right, so we can assume Hammer is after you because you cut him from his own club. His men only attack us when you guys are here and I would imagine that’s because DRMC and Death Riders are now allies. If he takes out both clubs, that gives him control of a larger territory and the ability to move anything he likes. The question is, why fuck with the Bratva and how the hell did he get in there in the first place?” Chewy asks the room.
I tap away on my keys, searching for any and every link there could be between the MC’s, bratva, and Hammer, coming up short. Although there is something that has been bugging me since Remy landed here. After Flack got shot it was mentioned that he requested Remy for the hacker role to get her offcompound because he thought shit was about to go down. He has another daughter, so why only send one?
Chewy must have the same train of thought that I do, asking Savage outright. “Last time this happened, you said that Flack had been getting paranoid. That’s why he wanted Remy here?”
“Yeah. He’s been antsy since we put Hammer out. We thought he was just being paranoid. Although after he was shot, we’ve been looking into our books and things in the clubhouse. Whatever he knows, it’s enough for Hammer to shoot him and to keep coming after us. All of us.”
Dayz nods once and then leaves the room without any warning.
“I fucking hate when she does that,” Rider says to no one in particular. “Just leaves you hanging, no explanation at all.”
“Chewy said you may need our input.” Remy’s husky voice quietly addresses the room. Rider jumps as she’s standing closest to him and he hadn’t even noticed her and her father were there.
“Fuck! You need a bell, girl.” He says, his large hand splayed across his chest.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” she whispers. I hate when she makes herself small. Her gaze catches mine and I try to transfer my strength to her through a look. She must sense what I’m trying to do as she nods at me and gives me a small smile.
“Thanks Remy, Flack.” Marx nods at them both as Chewy takes a seat in Rhodie’s lap. “Savage said you had an idea shit was going South with Hammer. Was that before or after you kicked him out?” Marx says in a slightly softer voice than usual. Remy does that. She makes us less gruff and growly. Well, all of us except Switch.
Flack opens his mouth to speak, but Remy beats him to it. “It wasn’t Dad. It was me. I overheard some things and told my dad about it.”
We watch as she pulls her shoulders back and raises her head to look at Marx and then Savage.
“I-I don’t have all the information yet, but with Wire and Chewys’ help, I will. And I will kill the man that put that effing bullet in my dad.”
“Good girl,” Flack says at the same time as Chewy and Ana. My brothers all look a little taken aback by her words, which is funny in itself given that she said ‘effing’ instead of fuck, but that doesn’t stop us from banging our fists on the table to give her our support. She looks around the room, a blush growing on her cheeks. Catching her eye, I send her a wink and she smiles wide.
“What do you know so far, Rem?” Savage asks her.
“Well, you know how no one ever notices me around the compound?” She says, her voice growing stronger, eyebrows raised. Savage looks embarrassed as fuck, and so does Dex. He goes to say something, but before he can, Remy puts her hand up to stop him. “It’s OK, Pres, it was my choice. It’s just how I am, or was.” She looks around at the DRMC men and gives us a little smile. “Anyway, I never really paid too much attention to what I heard because it was always club business, so I stayed out of it. But before the stuff with Kraykowski, I overheard Hammer. Speaking Russian.” She looks at me before darting her gaze back to Savage.
“How do you know it was Russian?” Marx softly asks. It freaks me out when he speaks in a soft voice like that. But I guess it’s preferable to his usual way of barking at people.
She stares at him for a moment before answering. “Because it sounds a lot like when Dex talks to his mom,” All the eyes in the clubhouse shoot to Dex.