Page 40 of Wire
“Wire! It’s me.”
“Chewy? What’s wrong?”
“Is Remy with you?” Pulling my phone from my ear, I look at it. “Why would Remy be with me?”
“Shit. OK. We have a problem. We need you back now, Wire.”
Throwing my leg over my girl, I put on my brain bucket, then rev the shit out of my bike and peel out. I’ve already switched Chewy over to bluetooth.
“Give me the rundown Chewy, I’m on my way now.”
“No, I will tell you in person. You might lose your shit if I tell you now and I don’t need one of my besties to crash. Ride safe, Wire. See you soon.”
With that, she hangs up on me, and now my gut is swirling with anxiety. I gun it down the familiar roads, making the hour long drive in close to 40 minutes. Riding up to the compound, I wave at Jimmy, the prospect on the gates, and he gets them open wide enough for me to peel through. I park my girl in her spot, take off my brain bucket and place it on the seat before heading straight in to find out what’s got Chewy wound up.
Walking through the door of the clubhouse, I’m met with my brothers sitting around the dining room, Marx standing in the middle. What the hell happened?
“Wire, have you heard from Remy?” Marx barks at me before I’ve even closed the door behind me.
My brows pull low. “No. Why’s that?”
“Fuck,” He curses under his breath. Hands on hips, he looks at the ground before looking me in the eye. “We’re not sure where she is. Beth from the library called to let Remy know she left her purse behind. Saw her car in the lot and thought one of us had picked her up, but no one has seen or heard from her.”
My eyes dart to the Jim Beam clock on the wall. Her shift finished at 4pm. It’s now 6pm.
“I’m guessing you’ve tried her phone?” I ask, trying to remain calm. How in the space of an afternoon did the two women I have feelings for both go radio silent?
“Done that, brother. This isn’t like her. She leads a quiet existence, goes to work, then comes home,” Tank answers. He and Sniper both have furrowed brows. I get it. They’re her friends.
“What about Ana? They’re friends. Maybe they met up?”
“I’ve already checked in with Ana. She hasn’t seen her since my party,” Tav says. I can see the concern on his face. He’s a softy.
Feet thumping down the hall has us all turning to face Chewy, her laptop balanced on her forearm.
“I have something! Beth said the last time she saw Remy she was on her way outside with a little girl named Jovie.”
“Jovie’s dad is a dickhead. He’s threatened Remy before. She has a soft spot for Jovie. The kid is clearly being neglected.” I fill in the gaps, letting my brothers know why Remy would be outside, especially with Hammer around.
The tension is starting to grow, brothers are cursing and Marx looks like he’s about to lose it. Chewy grabs the remote to turn on the projector, then taps a couple of keys. By the looks of the footage it must be a lamp post camera, as it shows the shops just down from the library and a piece of shit car. We watch as Remy comes into camera with Jovie, and her fuck knuckle dad gets out of his car.
“That’s the fucker that’s been hanging around the yard!” Tanks yells. Chewy pauses the video so Tank can get a better look. He stands to get closer to the wall where the projector beams, squinting for a moment before shooting a look at Sniper.
“Yeah, that’s him. We’ve chased him a couple of times but keep losing him. He’s a wily little fucker.”
“Meth heads always are,” Rider bites out.
Chewy unpauses the video and we watch as he manhandles his kid; grabbing her roughly, pulling growls from my brothers. We all watch in fascination as Remy steps forward, getting into his space. Even though she’s shorter than him, she gets in his face and I feel pride bubbling in my chest. Remy is fierce as she protects that little girl. That is until someone steps out of the shadows and holds a gun to her head.
“That motherfucker Snake!” Marx growls, teeth clenched, looking as if he’s going to go on a berserker rampage any minute now.
We watch as Jovie’s father pops the trunk and Snake shoves Remy in. He then turns to look at the camera, smiling wide and flipping the bird.
“The motherfucker knew we would pull footage,” Rhodie shakes his head in disgust as Chewy shuts down the video and then curls up on her man’s lap.
He holds her to him, murmuring how we will find her. And we will. There is no option. The feelings I have for Remy may be confusing, but they are real and deep. And I’m not letting any Death Rider motherfucker take her away from her home.
“What’s the plan Pres?”