Page 57 of Wire
“OK! Gimme 10 minutes!” She calls out and then rolls toward me for more cuddles.
“You do know that if you aren’t out of here in 10 minutes, Chewy will bust in here and drag you out.” I raise my brow at her while she rolls her eyes.
“I know. I just wanted one last cuddle with my man.”
I drop a kiss to the top of her head. “Take my card. You’ll need it for all the things Jovie will need.”
“I have my own money, you know.”
“I know, but what about little girl bedding and toys and stuff? She can’t keep sleeping in a biker’s room. She needs a little girl’s room.”
Remy frowns at me. “What are you talking about?”
I sit up, taking her hands in mine. “Remy, Jovie’s mother, was the body the police found. She’s dead, and very soon her father will be too. Jovie doesn’t have any other family. My dad, he lives in the trailer next to theirs. He told me he used to sit with her sometimes, when her father went out. She’s a good kid. I know that this is new, you and me, but I don’t think I can in good conscience put that little girl into foster care. Can you?”
She pulls back a moment, her frown even deeper as her eyes flit all over my face. “Are you saying you want to keep her?”
I swallow. Maybe I’m wrong in this. Maybe I’m pushing Remy into something she doesn’t want, but Jovie is a fucking cool kid and I don’t want to see her lost to a shitty system.
“Are you saying you don’t?”
Tears pool in her eyes and I think I might have read the situation wrong. “I’ve wanted to wrap that little girl up and bring her home since the moment I first met her. Are you sure Wire? Because I can do this on my own if I need to.” Her eyes flit between mine, as if trying to find any uncertainty.
“No need. We have a huge fucking family to help us. We have my brothers. We have Mama Debs, and I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but Pops as well. Jesus, my mother is going to go wild.”
My eyes must go huge because Remy sniffs and then giggles her ass off. “I cannot wait for your momma to find out. I better get ready before Chewy’s girl gang kicks the door in.”
She bounces out of bed like her ass is on fire and quietly shuts the bathroom door behind her. As I slowly descend into a panic about how the hell I’m going to tell Momma that I have a girlfriend and a kid. Shit.
Chapter Eighteen
After the quickest shower in the world, I bounce out of Wire’s room and head to the main room. The early morning buzz drifts down the hall and the smell of bacon wafts toward me. Hitting the mouth of the hall, I look into the room and take in my family, both old and new.
Savage, Dex, Bones and my dad are all mixed in with the DRMC brothers. My sister and Nat are hanging out with Ana and Chewy. Grabbing a seat next to Chewy and the girl gang, I take in the very domestic scene. Tank and Sniper, my usual breakfast table buddies, give me grins and chin ups. Mama Debs and Pops are in the kitchen serving and my heart almost beats out of my chest and flutters into my stomach when I see Jovie in Wire’s powerful arms. She may be six, but she looks tiny perched on his tattooed forearm as he points at all the breakfast options.
“That’s a mighty fine looking man, huh sis?” Sunny whispers as she nudges me with her elbow.
I can’t even speak, so I just nod wide eyed at her.
“It’s black magic, Rem. As soon as you put a kid in a man’s arms, they get 1000 times hotter. My cooch is gonna combustwhen I lay my eyes on Savage with our little nugget,” Nat says, rubbing her non-existent baby belly.
Wire leans down and gently puts Jovie on the floor, who squeals and comes racing up to me as soon as she sees me.
“Miss Remy! Wire said I can have three pancakes for breakfast. Look how big the stack is!” Her eyes are huge and full of excitement as she dances in place.
Wire drops a kiss to the top of my head and Jovie’s, then places Jovie’s food in the empty spot next to mine as I pull her chair out and help her up.
“There you are Princess Jovie, now remember, if you eat it all you might grow up to be big like Tank over there,”
Jovie’s head swivels until she spies Tank, her eyes grow huge, and she bursts into little girl giggles as if Wire is the funniest man on the face of the planet. He winks and smirks as I roll my eyes back at him.
“I like your name, Jovie. I don’t spend a lot of time with kids, but you seem cool.” Chewy says to Jovie. Rhodie smiles softly at his Ol Lady and I try to cover my smile, but I’m unsuccessful as I catch Ana’s eye and she smiles back at me.
“I like your name too. Chewy is a funny name. Do you like dinosaurs?” Jovie says all this with a mouthful of chewed up pancake.
The look on Chewy’s face is priceless as she stares at Jovie like she’s a foreign creature.