Page 60 of Wire
“Look, you know full well the problems Hammer has caused us. Not just with Remy and the trafficking, but well before then. We had good reason to get rid of him, but none of us knew he was in this fucking deep.” Rubbing his hands down his face, he looks back at Marx. “Look, man, Death Riders MC is on its last legs. I have a total of ten members, most are retirement age and want a quieter life. We took a vote and all agreed to disband. It’s a fucking sad day for the legacy members but Hammer royally fucked what we had and he just keeps on fucking us.”
Looking around at his brothers - Dex and Flack, Savage looks at all my DRMC brothers before returning his gaze to my Pres.
“We’re out of the Death Riders, but we’re not ready to give up the life just yet.”
“You asking to patch over? We’re a small MC. We’re not looking to charter.” Marx explains as he leans back in his chair.
“We’re looking to move. We all know Remy won’t be coming home. If Flack wants to be closer to his girl, he’s going to have to move.”
“What about your businesses? You’ve only just opened them.”
“The tattoo parlor and restaurant will be run by the brothers as they lean into their retirement. Although I imagine we’ll need a new restaurant manager and chef cos I’m sure Sunny will want to move to be closer to family.”
Marx runs his hand down his beard as he nods thoughtfully.
“We’ve been looking to expand into more businesses, but the bulk of the brothers are tied up running our garages and towing yard. I’m sure you boys have skills we can use as we expand. How are you going to feel giving up Pres?” Marx pointedly asks Savage.
“Honestly? It’ll be a fucking relief. I have a pregnant Ol’ Lady and I just want to take care of her and our baby.”
He looks around the room, and I can tell he’s sincere. Shit, if I were him I’d want to chuck it all in too.
“You understand we’ll have to put it to vote?”
Savage offers a chin lift. “Yeah, we understand. If we get the vote, we can be here within two weeks. Nothing holding us back.”
Marx nods and moves on to planning what the fuck we’re going to do. There isn’t much we can do other than wait for Rhodie and Chewy to work their magic on Snake. Then, we need to find Jovie’s father and tie up that loose end.
“I have something I would like to put forward.” I say, clearing my throat. “I’m just putting it out there that I’m claiming Remy,”
My brothers all bang their fists on the table. Flack jumps up and slams his big hand on my shoulder before roughly shaking me before returning to his seat.
“Also, we have decided that we want to keep Jovie. She’s a sweet kid, and neither of us wants to see her in the system.” I hold my breath and wait for the reaction.
I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t all my brothers talking over each other about who will be the favorite uncle and plans for her own little trike to ride on.
“Well, brother, congrats on becoming a dad.” Marx grins. “DRMC members, stay behind so we can vote on Savage’s proposal. Savage and Roman, we’ll all reconvene once we have more info from Snake.”
Both nod before they and their men get up to leave, until only DRMC members are left to determine Savage’s fate.
“Brothers, we have a vote to make. I feel Savage, Flack and Dex will make good brothers. They’ve tried to turn that shit show of an MC around, but that shit’s been poisoned from the start. So, what do we think? Wire you have all their backgrounds?”
“Yeah, they’re all safe. Savage and Dex both have time served in the army. Flack is, well, he’s pretty much a less crazy, more refined Pops. He’s all good.”
“Of course you’d say that about your father-in-law,” Rider says, rolling his eyes and then ducking as I swing on him.
“From the businesses they have opened, or were looking to open in Roxwell, they have skills we don’t have. Having them will widen our business portfolio,” Sniper offers.
“That’s a good point. We don’t have a restaurant. They’ve already opened and run a successful one. We could do that here with their experience.” Tank shrugs.
“Dex is a personal trainer. We’ve spoken about buying that gym space in town, but none of us have the know-how to run it properly,” Fox says before Nitro butts in.
“Yeah. We can offer MILF classes.” He wags his eyebrows while we all roll ours.
“So, what’s the vote?”
We all look at each other before Rhodie starts the vote with an “aye”. Then the ayes go around the table until it’s unanimous. Savage, Dex and Flack will patch over. But they’ll be given the big talk from Marx. If they fuck with us, they’re dead men. You know, the usual welcome spiel.
“That’s that then. Fuck off the lot of ya and get to work or whatever you were doing. Scratch that, go clean out the room next to Wire’s for my new niece.” Marx grins as he slams the gavel down and we all file out the big doors in high spirits, regardless of the shit swirling around us.