Page 64 of Wire
“So, I actually have two great ideas. I’m going to put the first one into action, mainly because I feel like Snake has been missing out,” she pouts at the very thought.
Looking toward Snake, I’ve noticed he’s gotten more and more panicked looking the longer Chewy has been interrogating that piece of shit Gavin.
“Earlier, before we snapped off his phalanges, you may have noticed I spent a little time with his junk. That’s because I madea mold of Gavin’s penis.” She says ‘penis’ all prim and proper. “And we all know that I have experience taking peen molds. Whilst I was busy, my beautiful assistants here -” she waves in Tav and Pops direction as Marx rolls his eyes and runs a hand down his face, “They were fashioning me this!” She produces a lackluster looking dildo, made from the mold of Gavin’s junk.
“What the fuck are you going do to with that?” Tank asks, scandalized.
“Jules,” Chewy clicks her fingers as her brother rolls his eyes before wheeling a rolling stool with some weird-looking contraption on the top. Almost like one of those machine massage gun things, but not quite.
Roman and Sasha sit forward with interest as it rolls past. Gus looks his cool, calm, collected self, although I notice his jaw clenching slightly.
“What. In. The. Fuck. Is that thing?” Switch booms out. I’m sure as a doctor, some things he sees Chewy do must turn his stomach.
“This, lady and gentlemen, is a thrusting dildo sex machine! Or a fuck gun. Whatever.” She shrugs. Rhodie drops a kiss on her head, looking proudly at her.
“Tell them what your plan is, baby.”
“I’m going to mount that guy’s cock on here, and while I finish Gavin off, pun intended, Snake over here will have his ass breached. According to his file, he enjoys having non-consensual sex, so, let’s see how he likes it huh.” Chewy’s eyes gleam as Snake starts struggling. “Flip him over, boys. I need access to that ass.”
Glancing around, I notice the Death Riders all watch in horror as Rhodie and Jules manhandle Snake, turning him around, then re-cuffing his wrists and ankles to the St Andrews Cross. Chewy gets all her things into position, looks at the lube in her hand before shrugging and tossing it aside.
“I’m going to start her off nice and slow, OK? I need you with me for when it’s your turn to talk.” She says sweetly, before patting Snake’s ass and turning the machine on to the setting she described as “gentle.”
Snake’s ass and jaw both clench and he makes a grunting noise. His arms and legs are shaking and sweat drips down his back, but the tough fucker refuses to make a noise.
“Who would have thought he was that fucking loyal, huh?” Flack says with a chuckle. “Take it all, boy, you deserve it.”
Chewy gets all our attention by clapping her hands together. “Remy, I have one last trick. If you had to choose who was going to feel your rage more, Gavin or Snake, who would you pick?”
Remy looks between the two men. On one hand, Snake used to torment her as a girl. He’d corner her and leer at her. But Gavin is the fucker that not only kidnapped her, he sold Jovie’s mom, got her killed and then sold his daughter. I know which fucker I’d choose.
“Gavin. I want Gavin.”
“Excellent choice! Here are the options.” Chewy claps excitedly and then leads Remy over to her table of tricks.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to watching this shit,” Dex grumbles.
“You better, you boys are DRMC now,” Rider says before cracking up.
Remy turns, her eyes scanning the group before landing on me. Tipping my head forward, I stare at her a moment, wanting to know where her head is at. A slow grin covers her face and I know she’s good.
She steps up to Gavin, and instead of raging at him, she leans toward him. Her lips are moving and yet none of us can hear what she’s saying. She leans back, smiles and then circles to stand behind him. She squats a little, eye level with his ass, then she does something that makes him squirm and cry out.
“What in the fuck is she doing to him?” Fox asks, frowning at the man as he struggles to move away from her.
“Expanding foam. In his ass. That stuff is gonna expand until his colon blows up.” Pops answers, grinning wide. There is something seriously wrong with his particular gene pool.
We all take two steps back and I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m unable to tear my eyes away. Gavin’s stomach is starting to swell from the inside out. I’m not sure if he will actually explode, but the noises he’s making are fucking awful. Shuffling sideways, I angle myself behind Tank. He’s fucking huge, so he’ll protect me from a lot of the fallout.
I may be hiding, but my girl isn’t. She’s standing in front of Gavin, watching him squirm in agony. Once he begs for mercy, she smiles. She keeps smiling as she holds the can up to his wailing mouth and presses the button. The foam expands until it fills his mouth, his throat bulging with the stuff. She watches as he struggles to breathe, as he turns blue and as his body shuts down, slumping in front of her.
“Good fucking riddance,” her husky voice says loud and clear as she tosses the can on the ground and makes a beeline toward me.
“Snakey, looks like it’s your turn!” Chewy coos out.
Remy walks right into my arms. I hold her to me, rubbing my hand through her silky, soft hair.
“Take me to our baby, Wire. I want us to get into our PJs and settle in for a movie with our girl.”