Page 66 of Wire
“Honestly? It was kinda gross, and I feel bad that I killed a man. But at the same time, I feel… powerful. I managed to slay a demon today.” I smile at my friends. “But I don’t want to do that again. No offense, Chewy, but you can keep your job.”
“Of course, I’m by far the best enforcer this MC has.”
“Even better than Rhodie?” Ana asks, a twinkle in her eye.
“We have different specialities. He’s brute force. I’m more, delicate.” She says as Ana snorts loudly.
“Anyway, ladies and man. I think we need to organize a Girls’ Night. What do you say?” Sunny says. Sunny loves a party.
“Oh! I know how to girls’ night. I have a good idea for one too. Can I do the entertainment?” Chewy has her hand up. The rest of us all look at each other before shrugging. “Yussss!”
“Well, then. That’s sorted. I better get my man and get going. Growing humans makes me tired.” Ana says on a yawn as Sasha adds, “And gassy,” under his breath, dodging her ill aimed punch.
“Hear, hear sister! I’m gonna grab Savage and make him rub my feet,” Nat cackles as she heads into the common room, the rest of us following.
Instead of heading straight to Wire, I take a detour to the bar.
“Hey, Takoda.”
“Hey Remy.”
“Um, I just wanted to thank you for the Rug Rats tent. Jovie loves it.”
“Oh, it was nothing. It was just sitting in a box of stuff my mom had in the attic from when I was little.” His cheeks pinken a little as he busies himself with wiping the bar top.
“Well, it means a lot. When I was a kid, really little, I had the same tent. It was my safe space. I could hide in there and no one could get me. You brought back a lot of memories for me, and I’m so glad that I can share that with Jovie, so thank you, Takoda. It means a lot.” I lay a hand on his and give it a squeeze. He gives me a small smile and nods his head before I let go and he goes back to his work.
Smiling to myself, I turn to look at the room and all the people in it
“It’s a good sight, huh?” Marx’s rough voice rumbles next to me.
“That it is, Pres. Although, I have to ask, why are we all in here relaxing when we could be chasing down whatever info you got out of Snake and Gavin?”
I follow Marx’s gaze to the little girl that’s now snuggled on Wire’s lap.
“We’ve been wading through shitstorm after shitstorm for months now. No matter how many men we put down, more rise to make the world a fucked up place. We could all be out there, chasing down leads and working off the tips Snake gave us, but that shit will still be there tomorrow. Tonight is about welcoming a little girl into our family. It’s about spending time with our brothers, old and new. And taking a little time to count our blessings that tonight, we are all happy and whole. Tomorrow we’ll call a meeting and go through what we have, but for tonight, let’s just enjoy each other.”
Looking up at Marx, who I initially thought was scary and gruff, I see a man who cares deeply about everyone in his clubhouse.
“Thank you, Marx.”
The big man shrugs. “It’s what we do.”
I feel Wire come up behind me. Turning, my heart turns to mush as he stands there, Jovie crashed out in his big arms.
“Ready for bed, baby?”
Smiling up at my little family, I follow Wire down the hall as the manly men watch the end of Brave.
Tightening my arms around my woman, I snuggle my face deeper into her hair, breathing her in before I get my big ass upand ready for the day. She had a late night last night, what with me fucking her mercilessly after we put Jovie to bed in her pink glittery room.
Dropping a kiss to Remy’s naked shoulder, I gently untangle my legs, sliding my arm out from under her, so as not to wake her. Pulling on a fresh henley, jeans, socks, boots and my cut, I creep out into the control center, quickly doing my morning checks to make sure all is good in my world. Well, as good as it can be before Marx presents Chewy’s findings this morning and fucks up our world all over again.
Shuffling has me turning toward the door in time to see two white bunnies standing in the doorway.
“Hey, good morning sleepyhead,” I coo quietly, “Did you sleep well?”