Page 60 of Tav
Rolling over, I lift my arms over my head and stretch while Tav hovers over me with a soft smile on his face. Finishing my stretch, I reach up and cup his cheek.
“Thank you for coming with me.” I rub his dark stubble with my thumb.
“You couldn’t keep me away, Pixie. I’m your backup.” He leans forward and his lips gently meet mine. He pulls back far too soon. “Speaking of backup, wanna come watch some feeds with me and Tank?”
I think about it for a moment, before deciding I’d rather eat something. “Nah, I’ll leave that exciting stuff up to you. I might go grab something to eat.”
Tav drops a quick kiss on my lips before bouncing off the bed. “OK babe, I’ll walk you to Dom and Vic’s room. You can eat with them, yeah?”
Nodding, I roll up and get off the bed a lot slower than Tav did, then gather the stuff I’ll need. Once ready, Tav walks me to Chris and Dom’s motel room. Knocking on the door gently, I wait until Dom opens it a crack. Instead of looking directly at my face, I have my middle finger up in the doorway’s crack.
“You’re a child, you know that?” he says, swinging the door open wider to let me in.
“Yeah, yeah, you love it. Whatcha got to eat?”
Both of my brothers roll their eyes at me.
“Aren’t you too nervous to eat something?” Vic grumbles before shoving the pizza delivery menu at me.
“Weirdly enough, no. I thought I would be but the nerves haven’t hit yet. If I’m being honest, I’m not sure if they’re going to.” I shrug and then mouth at Dom who’s on the phone to the pizza place that I want a cheese pizza with olives.
“Well, I feel better knowing that the MC has a plan. I’d be shitting myself if you were doing this alone,” Vic says, looking a lot less wound up than last night.
Vic has always been the one who liked to have a plan for things. He hates chaos and I guess it makes sense. Growing up as we did, it was a weird mix of regimented and chaos. We knew exactly what we were doing at what time of the day. That was easy. Eden’s Keep has a program, so the same stuff everyday for everyone. The chaos comes in the form of the adults we had in our lives growing up. Our mother worshiped the ground our father walked on. She loved us, but she loved him more. I remember when he first talked about having a second wife; she cried and fretted about what she did wrong. She became paranoid that he didn’t love her anymore. She checked out from us emotionally, being too caught up in her own fear and grief. When she passed away, we were shunted around the Keep adults, but they all had their own issues. The nurture that children need to feel safe just wasn’t there and because of that my brothers are almost codependent on each other. When they were kicked out, they were all each other had. So I get it.
“Are you coming in with me tomorrow?” I ask just as Dom hangs up the phone.
“Fuck yes. There is no way we’d let you go in there alone. I want to watch as you take down the Council and Father dearest,” Dom growls.
“I made a deal with Marx that I got to take out all eight council members.”
“Wanna split that three ways?” Dom asks darkly.
I look at my brothers. Vic looks keen to help as well, which is a surprise. We were raised as good God-fearing people, meaning we don’t really go around killing people on the regular. When I shot my cousin Valor Landry in the back of that van in Rose Grove, that was pure rage burning through me. Like an angel of death, I let my weapon cleanse the world of one evil man. I cannot wait to stand shoulder to shoulder with my brothers, ridding the world of a few more.
A knock at the door signals pizza, so while Vic sorts that out I clear the coffee table of the boys’ guns and knives and grab plates. Vic drops everything on the table and plops down on the couch next to me, Dom sitting on the floor closer to the food.
We eat in comfortable silence for a while before Dom breaks it. “What do you think the plan is with Hammer?”
Swallowing my mouthful, I think for a moment. “Well, she’s one of two enforcers the MC has. Rhodie holds that title and VP, but from what everyone has said Chewy does all the enforcing these days. I’ve heard some stories. Savage and Dex say she’s really scary and a little gross, so I’m looking forward to it,”
“It’s so weird, because she’s such a cute little thing,” Dom replies.
“She didn’t seem that sweet when she was busy poking Chris in the chest with that big black dildo,” Vic chuckles, causing me to choke a little on my pizza when I recall the scene.
“She has 90 of them too,” I laugh, covering my mouth with a napkin.
“Do you think all MC’s are like DRMC?” Dom ponders.
“Judging by Savage, Dex and Flack and how bewildered they seem half the time, I’m going to say no,” I answer him, with my mouth full of pizza.
Vic does a double take at me before throwing his greasy napkin at my face. “I don’t know what Tav sees in you.”
“Me neither. But I licked him, so I’m keeping him.”
Both of my brothers give me grossed out faces before Vic’s softens a little. “I’m proud of you little sis. You have a family and a man that loves you. You did good, kid,”
“I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you guys,” I say with a thick voice, my eyes stinging with tears.