Page 73 of Tav
“Of course,” Ana mumbles, Gus interrupting further questioning by kissing her.
Chewy cuts the cake and tells us to all dig in. Rider and Nitro fight over who gets the clit, which causes us all to dissolve into raucous laughter when Pops realizes neither of them has it.
“Listen boys, do you both need a little sex ed in the Rev Room? I’m sure I have just the thing to help you both out.” He waggles his eyebrows as he wanders over to sit with Ana, Nat and Lovely, the cake shaped like a clit in the center of his plate.
“Gift time!” Chewy yells, while covering Chomper’s ears, or where she thinks his ears are. Hopefully, he has ears. That gator is already disabled enough as it is. The last thing Marx wants is a deaf gator with an under-bite and funny toes running around the clubhouse.
Standing behind Pixie, I wrap my arms around her and pull her into my chest. We watch the ladies of honor open their biker themed gifts - baby-sized leather cuts and tiny boots. Lovely oohs and ahhs over everything, and I’m sure it’s overwhelming for her. I saw what the children at the Keep wore, so dressing Bee as a biker must be mind-blowing for her. Even Ana is given DRMC merchandise. Which Roman bitches about until she opens his and Sasha’s gift - a tiny bratva suit.
“What are you guys gonna do if this lot has girls?” Pixie murmurs.
“What do you mean?” I ask her, brows pinching together.
“Ah, you guys have all essentially given them all stuff for boy babies. What’s gonna happen if they’re girls?”
I stare down at her, at the same time those brothers who heard her question all stare at her.
“I guess we’ll come to that bridge when we cross it,” she says before snorting.
“Ah Pres, you have a visitor,” Jimmy calls out to Marx, everyone’s heads turning to the door.
“Moss? Did Chewy invite you?” Pres asks, shaking hands with Sergeant Davies who seems slightly distracted.
“Are those penis decorations?”
“Yup, and a vag cake,” Chewy answers.
Sergeant Davies stares at her and then points, “Is that a gator?”
“Yup. His name’s Chomper. Cute, huh?”
He squints at her before shaking himself off. “Sorry, Marx, this isn’t a social call. I need to take in one of your men.”
Marx stands straight, larger than ever. Savage nervously looks toward his wife and then moves to stand, Dex coming to stand next to him.
“Who?” Marx demands.
“Tyson Sword. He’s been accused of assault and battery.”
There’s an uproar as the room loses it. My hands shake with anger and it’s only Pixie wrapping her arms around me that calms me. Marx lets out a piercing whistle, calling us to order.
Tank walks toward Davies, staring at Pres. “I didn’t do whatever I’ve been accused of,”
“I know, brother, we’ll get this sorted out.”
Marx turns to glare at Sergeant Davies who raises his hands, placating the Pres. “I know Johnny, the source sounds sketchy, but we have to investigate no matter if it’s a nuisance call or not.”
“Take care of my man, you hear me? Anything less and I’ll be coming for you,” Marx says in all seriousness, holding Davies’ gaze.
A lesser man would have shit themselves by now. Instead Davies just smiles, “I know you will,” He turns to leave, indicating Tank take the lead, not even cuffing him. “Oh Marx? Better call Maxine so she can have my balls. Again,” he rolls his eyes as he follows Tank out the door.
“Wire -”
“Already on it, Pres,” Marx scrubs a hand down his face. “OK ya’ll, it’ll be hard to party without Tank, but we all know hewouldn’t want this ruining the ladies’ day. Chewy? You said you had games to play?”
“How does everyone feel about bobbing for dongs?”