Page 38 of A Vow of Shadows
My heart stuttered at the King’s utterance.
Had he managed to see me before the shadows converged?I reassured myself if he had, he’d have stormed over to me or demanded answers.
“Have I not delivered my part of our bargain? Did I not resurrect your beloved after her untimely demise? It is you who desires to change the terms of our original agreement.” Death’s voice grew louder, closer.
“I desire nothing but to own my own soul again.”
Was Evander always this combative or was he trying to distract Death from me? Unhurried footsteps moved away from me, and I exhaled slowly. The shadows did not open my viewing window again, so I strained to hear the rest of what was happening.
“Ah, but it is mine now.” Death’s words held a hint of a smile. “Until you pay the price that I have set, you answer to me. Do I make myself clear?”
A choking sound was the only answer. My hands clapped over my mouth to keep the despair from leaking out.
There was a heavy thud, followed by awooshand the crackle of flames. “I’m adding fifty gold pieces to your debt. I expect you will not be late again.”
The shadows disappeared, and I blinked at the sudden brightness. The King was gone, but the oppressive heat remained. I rushed to the Ferrier where he knelt with his hands on his knees, hoping Death had left him unharmed.
His head was bowed, dark hair spilling across his face. Up close, I could hear the breaths sawing out of him. He shuddered, and I placed my hand on his back, feeling the muscles tense beneath my touch.
“Do not call me that.”
My hand retracted at his harsh words. “Is that not your name?”
“Evander is dead.”
I sighed. “No, he’s just melodramatic.”
This earned me a laugh. Though it was more a dark chuckle than a hearty guffaw, I considered it another point for me. He sat back on his heels and peered at me through thick lashes I’d envy at any other time. I noted the angry red marks around his neck but knew better than to bring them up. As though sensing the direction of my attention, he tugged his collar higher.
I sank to his level, hugging my knees to my chest as I balanced on the balls of my feet. “I’m sorry if I’m the reason you were late on your payment.”
He waved a gloved hand. “It’s nothing,” he said. “I’ve been distracted of late.”
“I can’t imagine why.” I smirked, and his eyes narrowed in challenge.
“A mystery, to be sure.”
I stood, shaking out my skirts then held out a hand to Evander.
He glanced at my outstretched offering and rose through his own power. I dropped my arm, looking away while he rebuilt the invisible barricades around him.
“What is the cost of your soul?” I wondered if the price we bargained would see him freed, if that was the reason he’d agreed to help me.
“More than I care to think about.” Donning his hood, he stalked over to the door and threw it open. “Come along then.”
“What?” I asked, unsure if I’d heard him correctly.
“Come along.” He enunciated each word with careful diction. “I can’t very well leave you here withhimpopping in whenever he feels.” He nodded toward the space Death had vacated moments before.
Before he could change his mind, I hurried through the door, all too eager to return to the land of the living.
Chapter 27
The Ferrier
Ididn’t take a full breath until the mists parted, and we passed into the living world. Behryn’s appearance had unsettled me more than I cared to admit. Katrin, to her credit, was practically dancing by the time I prepared the carriage. If she had any lingering anxiety about what had transpired, I couldn’t see it.