Page 58 of A Vow of Shadows
“I’d like to see what else she can do with that tongue.”
Several things happened in the span of a breath, but I watched the scene unfold as if in slow motion.
Evander turned, placing his body between Sam and me. With efficient gentleness, he placed my feet on the floor then whirled to face Sam. At the same time, two shadows flew at Sam, pinning him to the wall and holding him spread-eagle.
“The next time you want to disrespect her, I’ll cut outyourtongue and feed it to Behryn’s hounds,” Evander said, his voice lethally calm.
I shivered at that tone, the reminder of just who I’d been flirting with so casually.
Silence stretched, and I held my breath as I waited for Sam to kick us out, or worse, fight back. I didn’t know the extent of his power, but I had no doubt a battle between two reapers would be catastrophic.
But Sam didn’t fight back. He laughed.
“There you are, Van,” Sam chuckled.
I blinked at his good humor, stepping around Evander to get a better view.
“My apologies, Miss Kitty.” Sam winked at me, and the shadows around him tightened. “I was just testing a theory. You can call off your dogs, Van. I’ll leave her alone.”
“Don’t make me regret this,” Evander growled. The shadows shrank, releasing Sam. He held his hands up in surrender, his smile a slash of white against his dark skin.
Evander, seemingly satisfied by this reaction, turned and lifted me back into his arms. He carried me to the main room where he and Sam cleaned and redressed my wound. True to his word, Sam remained a silent participant until the angry, red flesh was completely covered.
“You’re off then?” Sam asked.
My head whipped to Evander, shock warring with relief. “We’re leaving?”
“I’mleaving,” he clarified.
“What?” My voice came out as a squeak.
“You need food.” The way he said it reminded me that I was the only human among us. They were bothotherwith none of the same needs as me. Though Sam clearly enjoyed both smoking and drinking.
“And you’re just going to, what? Leave me here?” He wouldn’t, surely. There’s no way he planned to leave me here with a veritable stranger who didn’t even like me half the time.
“You’re safer here,” he insisted.
I dropped my voice and leaned in close, giving Sam a sidelong glance. “I’m safer with you.”
“I’ll be back before you know it.” Evander retrieved his cloak from where it hung near the door. As he draped it over his broad shoulders, he instantly transformed to the Ferrier.
Easing to my feet, I hobbled after him. I’d jump in the carriage if I needed to. He wouldn’t leave me here.
“You’ll only slow him down.” The voice of reason had never been more annoying. I glared at Sam, the gesture becoming something of a habit between us.
Sam grabbed his chest, face contorted in mock pain. “If looks could kill, Kitty Kat.”
Evander opened the door. Beyond him there was no carriage, not even a solitary horse.
“Where is the coach?” I asked, alarm pitching my voice higher.
Evander turned, hands tucked casually into his pockets. Only the muscle feathering along his jaw revealed any hint of the same distress I felt in being separated. “It was too conspicuous. I sent it back to the manor shortly after we arrived. No reason to alert Behryn to our location. I can travel faster without it.”
As if proving his point, the shadows deepened around him.
“My deal is with you, not Sam.”
“Your shadows will remain to protect you in my stead.”