Page 67 of A Vow of Shadows
“Behind some shadows, I know. You have much to learn about demons, my dear.” She leaned back, inspecting her nails as her words landed like physical blows.
“Death knows where I am.”
“Not exactly.”
“Explain,” I snapped. Fate didn’t balk at my tone, which was good because I was through apologizing for it.
“While it was foolish to think the shadows could hide you from Death, it seems they managed to help camouflage your mark. When His Highness came to me, he asked only about the mysterious woman staying with Evander. He sent me to investigate, not knowing you were the very girl I’d marked all those years ago.”
I deflated as all the air whooshed out of my lungs. Abandoning decorum, I slumped in my seat, tipping my head back and closing my eyes. “He doesn’t know it’s me,” I whispered the words that moments before had seemed impossible.
“He doesn’t knowyet.”
My head shot up, and I glared at the woman across from me. Her quicksilver eyes met mine, cold and assessing. Considering what I knew about Fate, I would need to proceed carefully.
“What is it that you want from me?” I asked slowly.
Moira inspected her nails. “There is nothing you could offer me that I don’t already have. As it stands, I have no plans to alert the King to your true identity. It is not in the stars for me to do so. But do not think that means you are safe. Behryn has many in his employ, and it is only a matter of time before he learns the truth.”
“That sounds like a warning.”
“I suppose it is.”
Cocking her head to the side, she regarded me thoughtfully. Her nose crinkled in distaste as her eyes flicked over my ruined dress and bandaged ankle. I ran a hand through my hair, fingers catching on the tangled mess. She lifted a hand and a sudden wind tore through the cabin. It pulled at my dress, making ribbons of satin. My hair whipped around me, and I lifted both of my arms to shield my face. Just as fast, it was gone.
“That’s better,” said Moira.
Tentatively, I lowered my arms, expecting to see her as wind-whipped as I felt. She rose, still the picture of grace and beauty, and shuffled toward the exit.
It was then I noticed the pain in my leg was gone. I looked down and gasped at the modest yet clean linen dress where there had just been rags. It was nowhere near as fine as Moira’s garments, but it was free of dirt and grime. I didn’t need the attention she surely commanded.
My fingers danced over the pewter fabric as if it would disappear beneath my touch. I lifted the skirt to confirm what I already knew. Gone was the filthy bandage and torn flesh. She had healed me.
“Wait!” I yelled after her. She turned, and I hurried to say what I could before I thought better of it. “If you marked me, can you take it away?”
Moira’s brows pinched together as she tilted her head, regarding me like a cat sizing up its prey. “It is within my power to do so.”
“Then will you? Please, I want no part of this.”
“You cannot lie to me. Besides, the removal of your mark would do little to improve your situation, dear Katrin. Behryn will find you with or without it, and I think you’ll find that bearing the mark has its advantages.” I could only stare as she reached for the handle and opened the door. “This is your stop.”
There was nothing remarkable about the place, but it was as good as any to disembark from this hell ride.
“Remember, Death is not bound by the constraints of night. You would do well to remain inside until your reaper can come for you.”
With that advice, the carriage pulled away, leaving me stranded once again.
Chapter 43
The Ferrier
Ani disappeared as soon as I sent Katrin away. Sam and I followed as best we could. With my shadows otherwise engaged, we had no choice but to run as mortals, quickly losing her to the maze of the Corridor.
We stopped when the trail went cold, both of us panting for breath. Sam slid to the ground at the base of a tree, arms resting on his knees.
I paced the area in front of him. My fists clenched and unclenched.
“Do you suppose,” Sam said, his voice unnervingly calm, “that this game of prey and hunter has only made him desire her more?”