Page 11 of Grim's Gem
In short order, they collect blood and urine samples, and she examines me but doesn't comment as she takes her gloves off and walks toward the door.
“Amy, please. Is everything okay?” Gray asks in such a worried tone it has me tearing up.
“Calm down, Gray. I have my suspicions. I just need to verify it. I would hate to give you the wrong information. If I am right, you have nothing to worry about.” She smiles before walking out of the room.
Gray paces the floor, back and forth, back and forth. Randomly gravitating to me for a split second before pacing again. I’m just about to scream at him to stop when the doctor comes back in.
“Alright, I need to talk to Jade privately for a moment,” Dr. Lake says in a practiced, calm yet firm tone.
“No fucking way. What is it?” Gray demands.
“I must insist,” she tries again.
“No offense Amy, but there is not a mother fucking thing you can do or say that will get me out of this damn room,” Gray all but growls, grabbing my hand and holding on tight.
“It’s okay, Dr. Lake. Whatever it is, you can say in front of Gray,” I say.
“Are you sure?” she asks. Just as I go to nod, another thought pops into my head. I narrow my eyes at the fucker beside me.
“You motherfucker,” I say in a low whisper. Gray turns his head quickly in my direction.
“What? What did I do?” he asks, eyes wide.
“Did you give me a fucking STD? Oh, I swear to god, if you gave me some kind of nasty ass shit, I will cut your dick off and up your ass so far you’ll be gagging on it. I swear to god, Gray…”
“Jade, Jade, calm down. You do not have an STD,” Dr. Lake interrupts my murderous rant.
“Jesus, Clover. Of course I would never hurt you like that. Fuck, I would cut my own dick off before I did something like that to you. Just to reassure you, I haven't been with anyone in years before you, and never once did I go without a condom. Well, except…” Gray trails off, and his eyes get comically wide. Dr. Lake chuckles before speaking.
“Well, that's my cue to cut in and also takes care of the question of whether or not he should be in here. Jade, you’re pregnant, and I’m guessing by the wide eyes and even wider smile, Gray just realized it too, and he’s the father.”
“P-pregnant?” I stutter.
Oh. Shit.
Chapter Nine
“A father? I’m going to be a father?” I whisper in surprise.
“I’m guessing so.” Dr. Lake raises a brow at Jade. “I wouldn't have said anything, but Gray wasn't leaving the room, and I thought you were seconds away from murdering him.”
“No, it's fine, Dr. Lake,” Jade chuckles.
“That baby is mine. Even if you slept with someone else after me, even if they conceived, that is my damn baby, and no one is going to change my mind. Do you hear me, Jade? You and that baby are mine,” I say adamantly. I’m ninety-nine percent positive that baby is mine, but it wouldn't change the facts even if it weren't. They are both mine to care for, cherish, and love.
“Of course it's yours, dipshit.” Jade rolls her eyes. Then the words hit me again.
“I’m going to be a father.” I sway on my feet but quickly get my bearings and can't help the smile and laugh that bubbles up. I yell out, “I’m going to be a dad!”
The happiness I feel comes crashing down around me. Blood and cramping- I know those symptoms are not good. I can feel the blood drain from my face.
“She was bleeding and cramping.” I look at Dr. Lake in panic.
“We still need to do an ultrasound where we should be able to hear the heart. My exam showed you are bleeding from the cervix. This could just be increased blood flow from the pregnancy. As I said, we will do the ultrasound today to ensure the baby is still healthy. I don't want to cause you any pain, but I do want to warn you that there is no guarantee we will hear a heartbeat; it might still be too early.” She was trying to be sensitive to it, but she was saying we could have already lost the baby.
No, no way. I refuse to believe that.