Page 28 of Grim's Gem
“You both went through a traumatic event, and unfortunately, we can't take the pain or the hurt away from our women. You are doing the right thing, and I know she is feeling guilty, and there isn't really any way to talk her out of that, but just know we are here for you guys. We all know how much you both love Rae and Rome. They are just as much your children as any you two make the old-fashioned way. They know, we know it, and both of you know it too, but Halle probably feels all types of emotions. Go have fun with your family. Spoil my niece and nephew even more than they already are.” I smile at him as he nods and heads for his women.
Hopefully, they can get back to what is their normal. No one deserves it more than the two of them.
Now, back to my plans for the day.
Chapter Twenty-Two
“Right! Clover, let’s go! Time for your surprise,” Gray says, taking my hand and leading me off toward one of the ATVs. I notice the blown-up one has been moved. I try not to laugh, but the image of Izzy nearly blowing up Hitter is stuck in my head on repeat. The way he jumped out of the way. It was the funniest shit ever.
“Oh my gosh, is it finally time? Yay!!! I can't wait! Make sure you call me later! I want to come by and visit,” Halle squeals, not even caring that Loki is lifting her and carrying her into the compound over his shoulders. I shake my head at the two.
I’m so happy for the two of them. You wouldn't think those two crazy people could find their match, but I only know them together, and they are absolutely perfect for each other. I used to wish for other people's love stories. Hell, when I first arrived here, I looked at Loki and Halle’s relationship and even remembered thinking, “damn, I wish I could find a love like that,” but honestly, I wouldn't change the love I have for Gray for anything. It might be different from theirs. It might not be aspossessive, though it is close, it might not be as crazy, though at times I can see that poke through as well, but it's ours. He loves me the way I need to be loved, the way only I can be loved. Our love story is custom-made, just like every other couple in this compound, and that’s just the way we like it.
“Alright, so Halle and Loki know. Let me guess, everyone is in on this surprise but me,” I huff and cross my arms over my chest as he chuckles and cranks the Razor.
“Just sit back and try to relax, Clover. It won't be long before you're in the loop like everyone else,” He smiles before taking off toward the houses on the back of the property.
I’ve been back there on multiple occasions. There is a lake on the very back of the property with all the married couples custom-built houses sitting on the bank. It's absolutely beautiful, serene, and peaceful. It's a dream, if I’m being honest, my dream. I would love to live with Gray around that lake, our house just a line of trees away from his brothers and my besties, but is it too soon to get my hopes up that that is where he is taking me? I came into Gray's life so suddenly. We went from complete strangers to parents to full-on in love.
I feel like this whole relationship has been put into hyper-speed, but I don't regret a minute. We could just be going to Swift or Hitters' house. Hell, we could be meeting up with Comp and Sunny for the surprise, but a little part of me I am trying desperately to keep at bay is hoping it's our forever home. Gray hasn't mentioned us moving in together anywhere but at the compound. Nothing has been said about a house, moving into town, hell, or even closer to my mom. I’ve been too caught up in it to care until now. If he had asked what I preferred, it would have been this place. With the rest of his family, our family.
“I can see a million thoughts going through your head over there. First, let me make sure you know I love you so damn much, and nothing has changed. I put my ring on your finger, my patch on your back, and the minute you feel better after bringing our Angel into the world, Cutter will put my mark on your skin. So any doubts you are having right now, stop. I love you, Clover. You’re my good luck charm, my everything. I promise you are going to love the surprise. Well, I hope you do anyway,” He says, and when I look more closely at him, I realize he’s nervous too. I take a deep breath, nod, and then turn my eyes to the dirt road leading to the back property.
We pass Swift's house, then Hitter’s, then Loki’s. Finally, we make it to Comp's house, and he parks before turning off the ATV. We didn't go further. He didn't build me a house. Fuck, I should be so upset. I should be happy we aren't taking things too fast, but does my heart listen to that? Fuck no. I smile over at Gray, who has a slight smirk.
“Please don't cry, baby. Give me five minutes to explain,” He says softly, taking my hand and kissing the back of it before hopping out of the ATV and running around to my side to help me out.
Sunny and Comp come out of their house to stand on the front porch. They wave our way, and I wave back, smiling and heading in their direction. They must be where the surprise is.
“Hold up, Clover baby. There is a small trail right through the brush over here. Follow it with me?” Gray asks, smiling and pointing at a small dirt trail to the left of Comp and Sunny’s property line.
My eyebrows fall low over my eyes, showing my confusion, but let's be honest; this man knows I will follow himanywhere. I squeeze his hand and follow as he leads me to the woods. I look back at Sunny and Comp one more time. Sunny waves and claps as she bounces on her feet, and I wave back before turning to Gray. The trail is short and only takes two minutes to get from one side of the trees to the other, but when we come out of the woods and the clearing in front of us shows what he has been hiding, I gasp. Oh my fuck.
“Wh-What is this?” I ask, looking all around me. The house in front of me can only be described one way—a dream.
“So, I may have already had the plans drawn up for a house before we were together. When we found out about the baby, I rushed the building process a bit. I wanted to surprise you and just prayed you liked what I picked out for us. We can change anything you want about the house. Hell, we don't have to live here at all. We can buy a place in town. Closer to the shop and your mom. The driveway isn't done yet, which is why I had to bring you through the woods, but the pavement is being laid this week, so we can start moving in this weekend.” He is babbling, and I notice his nervousness for the first time. I don't think I’ve seen the confident, cocky doctor nervous. I smile but squeeze his hands, figuring I might as well put him out of his misery.
“I love it, Gray. Seriously, I don't think I could have picked out something as perfect,” I tell him turning back to the house and just basking in the knowledge that this, this right here, is where I get to grow a family with the man I love. I get to raise my babies in this house and chase my kids around the tire swing hanging from the tree in the front yard. I get to watch my babies jump off the dock in the backyard and grow old with the love of my life in this house.
“It’s perfect,” I whisper again.
Gray has gone above and beyond. Things I didn't even know I would like about the house, I am obsessed with. It's a one-story white brick home with straight point arches over the doors and windows. It's huge, but not too pompous. Don't tell me how that works because I have no idea. All the shutters on the windows are black, drawing out the bright brick of the house even more. You would expect a black door as well, but nope. The front door is painted the brightest yellow color I've ever seen, pulling it all in. It's my favorite part of it all, the yellow door.
“We can change the door color. Originally I had it as black to match the shutters, but I was walking through the paint aisle last month, and something drew me to that color. I had no clue what I was buying it for, but when I came to check on the progress of the house, and they were about to paint the door black, I knew.” He shrugs, looking at the door.
“It’s my favorite part. Don't get me wrong; the house is beautiful. I love everything about it. The white brick is a dream, and the arches and wood accents, gah, it's all so gorgeous, but the door… the door tells me this house will be full of fun, laughter, smiles, and just… joy. Our house is going to be full of joy.” I nod my head and wipe at the tears that are now streaming down my face.
“Okay, when do I get a tour?” I ask, holding my belly and trying not to jump up and down in excitement.
“Right now, baby. No one is around, and the house is done. How about we christen the place?”
Ohhh… just what I had in mind.
Chapter Twenty-Three