Page 30 of Grim's Gem
“Yeah, that was it today. I didn't want to book another appointment after four. I wouldn't be getting out of here until nine at the earliest.” I shudder at that thought. Standing on my feet all day, especially as I feel like my vagina is going to fall straight out.
“I’ll clean up your station. Why don’t you head on home?” She says, finishing up a braid on her client.
“It’s all good, mama. I don't want to leave you with all that clean-up. I tell her, walking to my station and finding the disinfectants.
“Girl, you have been on your feet since seven this morning. Your mama is right. You need to go home to that fine ass man of yours. I’ll stick around and help clean. My car is in the shop, so I have to wait on my sister to show up anyway,” Tamara says, smiling over at me. I swear the women in this shop are freaking amazing!
“Are you sure you don't mind? I don't mind helping. I feel so tired and useless since getting pregnant,” I pout, and they laugh it off.
“Girl, my advice. Use that shit as long as you can. You only get nine months to have people babying you. After that, you won't have a relaxing moment for eighteen years,” Tansy says, grabbing her purse and heading toward the door.
I think about her words and realize she's right. I won't be using it as an excuse, but why not let yourself get pampered a bit while you're pregnant? It's the only time you get that special treatment. Then it's you taking care of everything around you. I have a feeling that won't really be true with Gray and me, though.
I have a feeling he is going to spoil me and pamper me for the rest of our days, pregnant or not. At least I hope he does, and I hope I get the chance to love and dote on him for the rest of our days.
“Ah shit, she’s thinking about Grim. We lost her again,” Makayla chuckles. I throw a towel at her as I pass by her chair.
“Thank you both again. I’m pretty much dead on my feet. I think I will go home, take a shower, then hop in bed and not wake up for at least twenty-four hours.” I wave over my shoulder as I make my way to my car.
I look around again, feeling a crawling sensation at the back of my neck. This feeling is getting old and fucking annoying. I just wish I knew what it was. I see nothing, though, so I shake it off, hop in my car and make my way to the compound. I park, grab my bag, and hop out before heading inside. When I get inside, though, I stop in my tracks.
Halle is sitting alone at the bar with an empty glass in front of her. I don't know if she doesn't hear me or just doesn't care who came in or not. I can tell something is wrong, but I don’t know what or how to fix it. I finally decide that all she might need right now is a friend. Someone to sit with. I can be that for her. I slowly make my way to the bar and take the stool beside her.
“We don't have to talk about it, but do you mind if I keep you company?” I ask, moving my ass around, trying to find a comfy position on this thing. I might be on the bigger side, but I’m also short, and my feet dangling isn't very comfortable.
“I envy you ladies,” Halle whispers. I hear a sniffle but again ignore it.
“Envy us? Why?” I ask, confused. Halle is a badass. She’s strong, loyal, and just lives life to the fullest. Fuck what people say. She's going to live her life and do it by making herself and her family happy. I envy her. I want to be her. I look at her, and she isn't looking me in the eye. Her watery red eyes are focused on my baby bump.
“I don't think I’ll ever get to have that,” she whispers again.
“Don't say that,” I tell her, not wanting to believe someone as amazing as she is doesn't believe she will ever be able to physically have a baby. She’s too amazing of a mother not to be able to be one; it just shouldn't be possible. Unfortunately, it happens that way too often.
“I had another miscarriage. It isn't the first,” she says, finally meeting my eyes, and I can see in her, she’s just… broken. Oh, fuck no, we need to fix this now.
I pull her into my arms and pull her off the seat, guiding her down the hall and to my room. I pull out my phone and send an SOS text message to the group chat with all the other women. I know they are probably with their men or their babies right now, but they will get my message and be here. I’ve barely set my phone down before we hear what sounds like a stampede coming down the hall. Piper flies through the door with Bronx on her hip. Izzy is right behind her with Jett, and Sunny’s pulling up the rear. Rome, Rae, and Paisley come through the door as well a minute later, looking confused.
“Is everything okay? We heard running,” Paisley says, twisting her hands nervously. They can feel the tension in the air as well.
“Mommy? Mommy, why are you crying?” Rae asks, looking frantic as she takes in Halle's face.
“Who the hell’s ass do I have to kick? Did daddy yell at you? I won't do permanent damage, but I can rough him up a bit,” Rome says. I try to hold in the laughter at his fierce expression. He looks murderous, but it's so cute on him I could just pinch his cheeks.
“Daddy didn't hurt me, babies. I stubbed my toe, and it just hurts. Why don't ya’ll go play?” Halle says, trying not to let on how devastated she really is. They grumble but make their way out of the room, checking on her five times before they leave. When they are in the hall, we hear their whispered words.
“She’s lying. Mama is a badass who doesn't cry. Daddy even said that! No way a stubbed toe would make her cry. I’m going to get to the bottom of this,” Rome says, making all of us women smile.
“We probably only have a half an hour before the kids find a way to get to Loki, and he comes barging in,” Sunny says, watching them walk down the hall.
“Let me take Brox and Jett to Swift's office. He and Hitter are in there so they can watch them for a bit while we figure out how to fix this,” Piper says, grabbing Jett from Izzy's arms. The minute Brox and Jett are in reaching distance, Bronx grabs for Jett's hand. She grabs his nose and twists. You would think the kid would cry out in pain or hit back, but nope. His hand slowly comes up to Jetts and grabs it, pulling it away from his nose.
When Piper comes back, we are all snuggled in the bed together. We move closer to the wall to make room for Piper, and once she's laid down, we all grab hold of Halle, who is in the middle of us. We throw our arms around her, and she finally breaks. She cries and cries and cries. By the time she's done, we are all sobbing and holding each other tight. No one has said a word. We just stay here, comforting each other.
“Linc and I have been trying to have a baby pretty much since the moment we got together. At first, it just seemed to take a while for us to get pregnant, but we were both so ecstatic when we did. We couldn't wait to go to the first doctor's appointment. We couldn't wait to announce it to the club, but before we could…” She lets out a sob before continuing. “I had a miscarriage at ten weeks.” We squeeze her tighter as tears leak down my face. Then she continues.
“Last night, I had my third miscarriage, and I just don't know if I can put myself or Linc through this shit over and over again. What is wrong with my body? Why the fuck won't it just let me be happy?” She nearly yells out in pain.
“Halle, you are one of the strongest women I know. You can get through this. You will get through this!” Piper tells hers.