Page 34 of Grim's Gem
“Of course, brother. Just give me oonnneee…. Got it. It says she’s off on Nomen Avenue. About halfway between here and her mama's shop. It doesn't look like it's moving, though,” He says, but the guys and I are already moving out of the office.
We rush outside, Comp joining us, and hop on our bikes. I don't wait for Prez. I take off to where she is chanting in my head as prayer. Please let her be safe. Please let her be safe. It takes less than eight minutes, and I nearly lay my bike down when I get my first glimpse of her car. What the fuck happened? The car is lying square, but it has obviously been rolled a few times. It's beaten up, and the back window is busted out. I rush toward the car, afraid of what I might find, but as I get closer, I see the car is empty. Jade is nowhere in sight. What I do see is blood on the driver's window. I drop to my knees right there on the side of the road.
“No,” I say simply. My heart feels like it's being ripped to shreds, no, please. I can't lose anyone else.
“Get the fuck up, brother. If she isn't here, then that means we get to go for a little hunt,” Loki says, pulling his knifefrom his back sheath and turning the handle, so the blade runs up his wrist. He’s ready for fucking war. I steal my emotions, get to my feet, and let out a savage roar.
“We will find her brother. No other option,” Swift says, clapping me on my back.
“That is if Jade hasn't cut off a few of their body parts before we get there,” Rodeo says, turning and heading toward his bike with the rest of us after we all inspected the car. We found absolutely fucking nothing other than that whatever hit her from behind was a black vehicle. It left black paint all over the back. We found her phone under the passenger seat smashed to pieces, her ring was in the driver's seat, and her purse and the contents spread all around.
“I have no clue how to track her, where to look, or who might have done this. What the fuck are we going to do?” I ask once we reach the group.
“We are going back to the compound, calling all the brothers in for church and figuring out our next move. If I have to call in a few favors, I fucking will,” Swift says, mounting his bike and starting it up. We all follow, and before long, we, as well as every member of the Reckless Omens, are in church trying to come up with a plan.
“We have been going at this for an hour now, and we are no closer to finding her than when we fucking got here,” I shout, slamming my fist down on the table.
“I’ll call Ghost to see if he…” Before swift can finish, the door bursts open, and all the women are standing in the doorway. Swift rolls his eyes and throws his hands in the air.
“What the fuck. Does “Church” and “Club business” mean nothing to you women?” He says, exasperated. This is the second time one of them has burst in, and Swift usually goes lenient on the because it's always something really important. They never just burst in here for no reason.
“Club business? Are you fucking kidding me? One of ours is missing, so if you don't mind, I’m going to ignore that Alpha male babble bullshit at the moment,” Halle yells out.
“Have you come up with anything yet?” Piper asks.
“Are y'all close to finding her,” Izzy says as tears track down her face.
“You have to bring her home. She’s so close to her due date,” Sunny says. They all chime in one right after the other, so it's impossible for anyone to answer individually.
“We don't have anything yet, but we are working on it,” Swift tells them, sighing.
“Did she have the vest?” Halle calls out, turning her frantic, crazy eyes on me.
“What?” I ask, not understanding.
“The baby vest! Did she have the baby vest with her?” Halle asks again impatiently.
“She always carried it with her in her purse. Her purse was dumped out, but I don't recall seeing the vest in the car. Why?” I ask, confused. Halle gives me a worried look but straightens her spine and speaks.
“You may think it's crazy, but I put a tracker in the baby's vest. Rome and Rae both have one in theirs as well. After seeingthat bitch nearly take Paisley, I couldn't take my chances with the kids.”
“Paisley has trackers in her shoes,” Comp speaks up, shrugging his shoulders, not caring one bit what anyone thinks about him tracking his kid. Honestly, it's the best fucking idea I’ve ever heard.
“You tracked the vest for my baby?” I ask, turning to Halle. She eyes me suspiciously, and I hear a growl from Loki, knowing he thinks I'm going to be pissed at his woman. I’m not, though. I get out of my seat and walk straight to her, pulling her in for a tight hug.
“Thank you for trying to keep my baby safe,” I whisper before placing a small peck on the top of her head. Another growl comes from my side.
“Brother, if you don't want to have that ass argument again and figure out exactly what I’m planning with it, you should release my woman. Now,” Loki warns. I smirk down at Halle before rolling my eyes. Only for a second until my game face is back on.
“How do we track her?” I ask. Halle smiles evilly and I know, no matter what. We will be bringing my women home.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
“Damn, Doug, how much of that sedative did you give her? Shouldn't she have woken up by now?” I hear a voice say from somewhere to my left.
“Calm the fuck down, Alicia. She’ll wake up before long,” the man, Doug, I guess, says.