Page 6 of Depths of Hunger
“I look forward to it as well, Paolo. Let’s set something up for next week.”
Paolo nods and moves on.
Last, but not least, Riccardo Garibaldi approaches. He takes myhand but doesn’t bow to my ring. Instead, he tries to crush my hand as he says, “You played your cards well, but the game isn’t over.”
I lean forward, using my vampire strength to squeeze his hand until I feel the bones start to crack. “It most certainly is over for you, Rico.”
He tries to pull his hand free, but I won’t let go. Blood rushes to his face, and I can smell it—he’s stoned. Cocaine has a certain scent, and I can always tell when someone’s using. I have rules against drug use. My people aren’t allowed. Everyone knows this. I can’t control my families to that degree yet, but I can make a point here and now using Rico as an example.
“Rico, Bologna isn’t bringing in the money it used to,” I say. The whole room goes still. Nico and Luca move to the door, ensuring no one enters or leaves. The blinds are down, and the music outside is loud enough that no one will hear a thing.
“I…I told Aldo we’ve been having a few issues, but I’m working on clearing them up. No need to worry.” He tries to pull his hand away again, but when I refuse to let go, he stops struggling and just lets his arm go limp, hoping I’ll stop breaking the bones in his hand.
“A few issues.” I nod slowly. “Those issues are your mistress, Donna. She’s been stealing from you, and you don’t even know it. She knows the schedule, and she’s orchestrated the coke heists. You lost an entire shipment—twice—because your mistress sold you out.”
“That’s not—” He stops talking as I squeeze his hand again.
“It is true. She’s Albanian, you idiot. One of Oso Hoxha’s sisters. Donika Hoxha is her real name.”
All the blood drains from Rico’s face. “I…I didn’t know.”
“And that’s the problem—you should’ve known. You’re weak, and they picked an easy target. The Albanians have been trying to take over our territory and you’ve made that easy. We’re losing money, and our reputation is at stake.”
“I’ll fix it,” Rico whines. “I promise I’ll fix it. I just need time.”
“Time, Rico, is the one thing you don’t have.” Almost faster than the men in the room can see, I drop Rico’s hand and grab his head.One quick twist, and he drops dead to the floor. I would’ve liked to rip his throat out and drink his blood, but it’s my wedding.
Besides, humans aren’t ready to know about vampires, so snapping his neck was the best choice. Still, blood lust is real, and the satisfaction I have over fixing this potential problem is underwhelming.
I meet the gaze of every man in the room. They’re doing their best to hide it, but they’re shocked. I just killed a man at my own wedding, one of my guests, with his wife and son dancing in the other room. Now they understand just how cold I am, just how far I’ll go to rule. And they won’t forget it.
“Luca, Nico, take care of this mess and bring Rico’s wife and son in here. I’ll explain it to them.” I pick up my drink from the table, raising it in a toast. “To our continued success.”
Liquid sloshes from most everyone’s glass as they quickly raise their drinks and empty them. There’s no hesitation or attitude now. They have a strong sense of the power I wield as I take charge. They are all eerily silent as they file out of the room.
After forty-five minutes of listening to my aunt’s antiquated theories of what makes a proper Italian wife, I am much more stable. “Thanks, Zia Lina.” I stand, then lean down to kiss her cheek. Then I scan the crowd, searching for my new husband. I finally spot him near the towering wedding cake—a grand, five-tiered confection covered in intricate white fondant and adorned with blood-red roses. The Valdici crest is airbrushed in antique gold on the side facing the dance floor. The server hands me a large knife as I join Renzo in the center of the room. Our guests form a circle around us, eager to witness the cutting of the cake. Renzo’s arm slips around my waist. I glance up at him, and for the first time tonight, my plan comes into focus.
“You try and stab me, and you’ll be dead before you hit the floor,” Renzo whispers, his breath tickling my ear and sending vibrations down my spine. His lips curl up at the corners as if he knows exactly the effect he has on me. He leans down and kisses me hard on the mouth. Camera flashes go off in rapid succession, leaving spots in my vision as Renzo straightens and pulls me tightly against him.
“Here you go,” the wedding planner says, gesturing to where we’re supposed to cut the cake. Renzo quickly places his hand over mine, his grip hard on my fingers. There’s no way I can stab him now, not thatthat was my plan. I’m not stupid enough to try stabbing my new husband in front of his entire family. I’d never make it out alive.
I force a smile at the wedding planner, then widen my eyes at Renzo. “Why on earth would I want to stab you?” I ask, my voice sugary sweet.
He throws his head back and laughs. Pressed as close to him as I am, his deep, rich laugh rumbles out of his chest and into mine. The sound makes me break out in a sweat. I don’t like being this close to him. It does too many things to my body that I’m unable to control.
“Your eyes give you away, Mia. You can’t hide what you’re thinking from me.” Renzo claims my mouth again, then turns his attention to the cake. I maintain a false smile as he cuts the cake with our hands joined on the knife. More flashes go off. It’s hot, and I’m starting to feel nauseous, but whether it’s from the booze or the fact that Renzo seems to be able to read my thoughts, I have no clue. The mere idea that I can’t hide what I’m thinking from him sends me into a panic.
“Bacio, bacio, bacio!” the crowd chants, and Renzo leans down to kiss me again, to the roar of approval from the crowd. This time, he slides his tongue into my mouth, taking his sweet time with it, and lowers his hand to the curve of my butt, much to the crowd’s delight. Damn if he isn’t an amazing kisser. My thighs tighten as my core tingles in anticipation. Even my body is betraying me, just like every other member of my family.
The night ends in a swirl of lights and music. When it’s time for us to leave, I’m grateful to escape the crowd. People are getting drunk and out of control. I hate that. I hate losing control, which is why I rarely drink.
“You hang in there,” Luna whispers in my ear as she hugs me. “We’re on standby. Just let us know what you need for your plan, and we’re there for you.” She squeezes my arms and steps back.
“You’ll be fine,” Pippa adds, pulling me into a hug. “Call me if it all gets too much, and we’ll make a run for Australia.”