Page 10 of Cannon
They were so loud talking about the clothes, and Jesse was sure everyone who was in the store knew her business. Remi and Sarah were calling across the area to discuss clothing for pregnant women. Was it too soon to be an only child? Like not all the time but out in public. Though keeping Beth would be okay because she’d blend in if Jesse wanted.
All five of them had driven to Oklahoma City to go shopping. Remi had mentioned Wichita, but then Jesse worried they might want to visit Cannon. Jesse just couldn’t deal with that. She freaking knew they’d need to talk, but she wanted to be alone with Cannon when that happened. Not with all her sistersstanding there listening. They’d invited Sprite, but it had been too short of notice because she was fully booked.
They were in a large department store in the maternity area. Jesse just wanted enough jeans that expanded so she only had to do laundry once a week. She’d still be wearing her coveralls to work. She was just going to buy some bigger bail bonds T-shirts along with MC shirts. Remi, who usually was all T-shirts, jeans and her motorcycle boots, was oohing and aahing over a button up flowing maternity shirt. Of course, her sisters had brought all the different colors over to see how they looked against her skin.
After Remi held a shirt up to herself, Jesse couldn’t keep her mouth shut.
“Remi, are you pregnant?”
Everyone paused what they were doing and stared at Remi, waiting on her answer.
“Umm, we’re trying.”
Jesse smiled and joined the group hug her sisters immediately formed. Group hugging was way better than the craziness of her sisters before.
“We are too,” Sarah whispered.
Beth and Winnie both stepped back. Beth had her hands up. “Nope. Not this girl yet.”
“Yep, me neither. Joey needs to be older before we even think of having another.”
Jesse walked back to the jeans she had been considering. “I think I want to try these on.”
“Here, pile on sizes and some different colors and I’ll carry them,” Beth said.
“What about the top?” Remi asked.
“That’s more your style than mine. I just want some jeans to wear with T-shirts.”
Jesse took the pile from Beth and walked into the dressing room. She slipped off her shoes and sweatpants, then triedthe smallest size on. She raised her shirt and turned sideways. Besides a stretchy panel, they had elastic and buttons on the sides so she could expand them as she got bigger. As long as she had a top over it, she’d look fine. She pulled them off and looked at the others. She grabbed the same size in different washes for the jeans.
“Hey, how about these? They look comfy.” Beth flipped a couple pair of leggings over the top of the door.
Jesse looked at the first one and tried it on. The material was super soft, and the belly had a special panel to stretch. These she could wear all the time.
“Hey, I love these. I want two more pairs of the black in the size you got me and if they have them, get me some more in neutral colors.”
“You got it.”
Thank goodness she had her sisters helping her. She didn’t think she could have done the first weeks after she’d realized she was pregnant without Beth. Beth had been her sounding board and the person who had wiped her tears multiple times.
She started to put the sweatpants back on when a pair of pants flipped over the top again.
“I bought those so you could wear them the rest of the time shopping.”
“Thanks, Beth.”
Her sweatpants had been okay, but she’d felt a little weird in one of the nicer shops they’d gone in. Although these were soft leggings, they had a sheen to them that looked like dressier pants. She’d feel fine walking into any store they visited.
Today, she was going to enjoy shopping with her sisters. Tomorrow, she’d worry about talking with Cannon.
Chapter Eight
Cannon waited for his discharge papers. Why did the hospital tell you that you’d be leaving before lunch, but it was now after two? He still didn’t have discharge papers. He’d changed into clothes for going home, but it really wasn’t more than he’d been wearing. They’d slid sweats on him, slicing the leg open, and his T-shirt sleeve had been split to fit over the cast. He had socks on, but since he wasn’t going to be walking except from the wheelchair to the vehicle, he’d foregone shoes.
He wanted to get home, but he wasn’t looking forward to trying to lay in a vehicle and be driven home. He was independent, and this accident was teaching him humility in a big way. Baron, Locks, and Rascal had shown up and taken Clara to get her stuff from the hotel she’d stayed in. They would be back in a little bit, but he didn’t think he needed to worry. The hospital wasn’t in a hurry. His nurses on this floor had been wonderful, but from the little bits he'd heard, they were understaffed. Clara had run out and gotten food for them onenight because they’d been so busy, none of them seemed to get a chance to eat.
“Knock, knock. Everybody decent?” a voice asked before Hennessy peeked around the door. “We didn’t want to interrupt a sponge bath.”