Page 26 of Cannon
“Umm, just a second.” The technician pulled her phone out and typed and sent a text.
“What’s wrong? What are you doing?” Cannon asked. This freaking technician was scaring Jesse and Cannon was right there with her.
The door opened and Jesse’s doctor walked in. The technician pointed to the screen, then moved the machine on Jesse’s tummy.
“Well, it seems like you’re going to be more blessed than we thought. It looks like we had a shy one that has been hiding behind a sibling.”
Did she saysibling? Did that mean what he thought it meant?
“Sibling?” Cannon croaked.
The doctor grinned and nodded.
“From this, it looks like one of your little girls has been hiding behind her sister, which is why we didn’t pick up a second heartbeat, but honestly, we weren’t looking for one. Jesse, this is most likely why you were a little heavier. Two babies are heavier and take up more space than one. Let’s get another good view of baby two to confirm.” The doctor had taken over moving the device on Jesse’s tummy.
“Yep, here is your second daughter. Congratulations!”
Cannon looked at Jesse and smiled. He could feel his eyes getting wet, but he didn’t care if Jesse saw him as weak. He felt like his heart was going to explode and he couldn’t stop the tears. He and Jesse were having twin girls. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, but his girls were going to be loved and cherished and would never be scared of a parent. They might not date until they were thirty, but they’d be safe. He’d be nothing like his father.
“Jesse, this changes things a little. I know that it’s a long drive, but I want you seen each week. I’m happy to work with the nurse practitioner in your town, but I want to see you for sure in person every other week. Make the appointment on your way out. Congratulations!”
The doctor left and the technician took a couple more stills and then printed them.
“Are two copies of each enough?”
“Umm, could we have four?” Cannon asked. He knew Jesse would want one, and he did too. He also wanted Clara to haveone as an honorary grandparent, and maybe the picture would keep Locks from killing him.
The technician helped Jesse sit up and then told Jesse to lead the way and she would push Cannon out to the waiting area. Cannon just sat there thinking through all the things he needed to do. One of them was to take the guys’ advice and finally talk to someone about the way he’d grown up. He wasn’t letting his past screw up his kids’ future.
As the technician left them and Clara walked toward them, Cannon took Jesse’s hand again. She turned around and stared at him. This woman had given him another chance when she could have just kicked him to the curb. It was time he told her he was going to try.
“I’m so excited for Sparky and Spark II. I’m going to do whatever it takes to make this work for us and the girls. I promise, Jesse.”
Jesse leaned down close to his face. “I will too. It won’t be easy, but I’m going to try too.”
Besides talking to someone about his screwed-up childhood, he also needed to get some input on how to win Jesse’s trust back. He saw major groveling in his future and he didn’t fucking care because he was going to be a girl dad.
Clara stood waiting, staring at him. “Do I have to wait until the family’s all together for you all to tell me? I mean, if you want one of those gender reveal thingies, I’m sure we could figure it out.”
“Nope, Clara, you came with us and we want you to know, but you can’t talk or text about it with anyone because I want to tell my sisters and dad in person. Cannon?”
Cannon stared at the woman who’d become like a mom to him, not that he’d ever experienced it before Clara.
“Well, Grandma, we’ll be welcoming twin girls to the family.”
He was amazed his voice worked because his mouth was so dry.
“Oh, you’re going to make me cry, but I’m so honored. And congratulations! Two of everything. I need to finish Cannon’s sweater so I can start on stuff for them. Let’s get out of here. So are you both tired or should we stop at a baby store on the way home?” Clara said, but then paused to throw her arms around him. Then she hugged Jesse.
Jesse chuckled. “Well, I think we need to wait to buy stuff until everyone knows; plus, I’m hungry. Let’s pick up takeout for the car. I want to get home to tell everyone.”
Chapter Seventeen
Jesse smiled as she walked into the clubhouse with Rascal pushing Cannon. She’d texted that she and Cannon wanted whoever could make it in the clubhouse when they returned for an announcement. Rascal had run out to help Cannon out of the car, even though Clara had taken care of it in Wichita. Rascal had tried to get Cannon to give him a hint before they got inside. She had no doubt there was probably some betting pool going on about their baby.
Rascal settled Cannon’s wheelchair at the front of the room, and Jesse joined him. She glanced around the room, making sure all her sisters and her dad were here. She also noticed all the MC brothers were here. She honestly wondered who was working today if everyone was here.
She leaned against Cannon’s wheelchair, laying her hand against his shoulder. She leaned down close to his ear. “You tell them,” she whispered.