Page 48 of Cannon
Cannon bit his lip because Clara and Regina were watching him and Flick. He so didn’t want them to ask what he and Flick were chuckling about. Cannon had been around Beth Franks a lot since he and Jesse had been thrown together. She was an amazing woman and the way she could change everything to look different for surveillance was nothing short of miraculous. So it freaking baffled his mind that she put up with Deputy Kerwin. He was such a gaslighting, manipulative waste of space. Why Beth was attracted to him was seriously whacked.
Beth sat down and Jesse slid in beside her before Kerwin could take the other seat. Kerwin had to walk around and sit across the table from her. He wondered what exactly was going on, but he’d be keeping a close eye on it.
Baron was sitting at the head of the table and War had taken what had become his spot at the opposite end. War could have pushed to be at the head of the table as the president, but Cannon loved that War showed his dad the respect of still being the head of the family.
Baron stood, “I’d like to say a few words today before we say grace. Over the years, the club has had their highs and lows. We’ve had people leave way too soon and we’ve been blessed with new brothers and family. When Regina came to Bluff Creek, I couldn’t have imagined the kids and grandkids I’d be blessed with. The zoo I didn’t know was in my future.”
Laughter had Baron pausing. Cannon thought it was humorous that Baron acted like he didn’t love those animals as much as his wife did. He’d seen Baron multiple times out petting and talking to the goats, cow, and horse. Anything Regina loved, Baron loved too.
“I couldn’t have been happier to have the next generation start finding the type of love I was blessed with. I know that smooth sailing isn’t always in our future, but I do know that whatever comes at us, we’ll handle as a family. Together. So thank you for making this old man’s dream of a place where brotherhood and family could grow. And thank you to the love of my life for helping us have this place. I love you, baby. Now, let’s say grace.”
Cannon bowed his head, listening to a couple of the older kids pray. He kept his face down for a minute because darn it, Baron’s words had hit him. He had found a love like Baron and Regina. Jesse was everything he hadn’t known he needed.
Jesse sat down by Beth after Ginny was stolen by Clara. Honestly, Jesse was glad. Beth had sent aCode Rachelto the girls right before lunch, saying she just needed their support during lunch. Jesse wondered if it had something to do with Deputy Kerwin.
The girls had both spit up their milk and doused her and Beth when Beth was over this week. Jesse had grabbed some sweats for Beth to put on. She’d walked in while Beth was changing. Something she’d done a thousand times before, but Beth had held the sweats in front of her. Jesse had walked closer because of the way she was acting. Beth had finally given in and shown her finger sized bruises where Deputy Kerwin had pinched her thighs at last week’s lunch because he thought Beth was being too loud.
It had taken everything Jesse had inside her to not go tell her other sisters and devise a punishment for him. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized Beth needed to stand up for herself. Jesse hoped with everything in her that it started today.
Jesse was on guard as everyone passed the food. They were having mac ‘n’ cheese, fried chicken, homemade rolls, salad, vegetables, along with tater tots and fried potatoes. Regina had modified some of the meals when she heard Phoebe and Blake talking about their favorites. It was those little things that had each person feeling so special.
When Beth put a big scoop of mac ‘n’ cheese on her plate, Kerwin made a sound in his throat. Jesse glanced around the table and suddenly realized what she missed. Remi and Winnie had put themselves on both sides of Kerwin. She wasn’t sure if they were protecting him from what Locks and the other guys might do during a confrontation or if they wanted to be the first to get their own knocks in.
Jesse would love to get a couple knocks in, but she wanted to support Beth in whatever way she wanted. Beth had been one of her supports during her pregnancy and they’d grown even closer than before.
Even if she hadn’t seen the bruises on Beth’s thighs, she would still not like the deputy. Something about him had bothered her from day one, but sometimes her sisters hadn’t liked her boyfriend either. And they’d never shared until Jesse had kicked them to the curb. Sometimes, being a good sister was keeping your mouth shut until your siblings realized the truth for themselves.
Beth took the fried chicken from Phoebe and held the plate so Phoebe could get a piece. Blake was sitting on the other side of Phoebe and was whispering with Beth and Phoebe. Jesse would love to hear what the girls had to say. Sometimes they reminded her so much of her sisters it brought tears to her eyes. They might be cousins, but she could totally see those girls being the next generation to run the bail bonds along with her girls. She wanted her girls to do whatever they wanted and dreamed about. If they didn’t want to work in the garage or run the bail bonds, then Jesse would do whatever to help them achieve their dreams. She wanted happy and healthy girls who knew their worth.
Beth took a piece of chicken and passed it to Jesse. Jesse took a piece and then took the green beans from Beth because she didn’t really like any vegetable. She was teaching herself tolike salad. Carrots with peanut butter were the only vegetables that Beth would eat growing up. Kerwin made that sound in his throat again when Beth passed the green beans by. As the rolls came, Beth put one on her plate and then went to grab a second one. Kerwin made that sound again that was freaking grating on Jesse’s last nerve. Beth placed the second roll on Blake’s plate.
Jesse buttered her own roll, then added the homemade apple butter. Jesse loved having the farm on the property because of all the jams and jellies. Blake and Phoebe were whispering to Beth and then Beth chuckled. Then laughed louder as the girls continued telling her something. Beth was shaking she was laughing so hard. Jesse would really like to know what the girls had said.
“Oh my gosh, that’s hilarious,” Beth said between laughs.
Before Jesse could ask what was so hilarious, Kerwin piped up in his authoritative voice, which Jesse always thought sounded like a yippy dog compared to Cannon’s deep voice.
“Beth, indoor voice. We’ve talked about learning to control your volume multiple times.”
Jesse waited to see what happened because all conversation and sound had stopped at the table. Jesse was hoping Beth would take the opportunity to stand up for herself. It was the first time Kerwin had corrected Beth where everyone else could hear.
Beth tilted her head and stared at Kerwin, not saying anything at first, then nodded. She leaned over and whispered something to Blake and Phoebe that had them covering their mouths and nodding their heads.
“Definitely aCode Paulo,” Phoebe said. Phoebe was correct in using that code of you can’t trust the situation or the person. Jesse didn’t trust anything about the deputy.
“You know, we have discussed what you think about my indoor voice. We’ve discussed what you think of my body, ofmy family, and last but certainly not least, all the ways you think I need to change. I think we’ve missed a vital part of the conversation. So since my family is all here, let’s just have that conversation here because they’ve been here and put up with you.”
“What vital part of the conversation have we missed? And I think we can take care of this by ourselves, Beth. You know I only want you to be the best version of yourself. I care for you and how people see you.”
Beth stood up and pushed her seat back. “Do you really? Is concern where your words are coming from?” Beth’s fingers making air quotes when she said concern had Jesse bracing. Beth might be slow to anger sometimes but the air quotes were a sign she’d hit her limit. Jesse was looking forward to the fallout because Beth, on a tear, was a sight to see.
“Now, Elizabeth…”
Beth held up her hand at his words. “If you were really concerned,” Beth emphasized with air quotes again. “Then you wouldn’t use my full name because that’s not my preferred name. You using my full name like parents sometimes use to get after their children is a sign of disrespect to me. I am not a child and you are not my parent. In fact, one of my parents is here and he would never treat me the way you do, but let’s get back to the part of the conversation we’ve missed. I owe it to the younger girls.”
Beth held up her hand again. “Uh, uh, uh. It’s time for this adult to talk now. Keep your mouth shut for a second or I’ll let one of my sisters make sure you keep your mouth shut. The vital piece of the conversation is all the things you need to change about yourself. I mean fair is fair. If you need to point out all of my so-called deficiencies, then I need to help you too. So, buckle up, buttercup, because I’ve got a lot to say.