Page 6 of Cannon
“Not an addict. Don’t want to be like my dad.”
The nurse turned to him and even with the pain clouding his mind, he could recognize the sympathy in hers.
“Cannon, you won’t become addicted from using the medicine as needed. It will just press the pain down enough so you can focus on healing. There are many reasons for addiction, but I think you’re fine. If you like, I could put a note in here to have the doctor discuss it with you.”
Cannon remembered what his dad was like when he was high. He’d go from happy to furious and Cannon always paid the price. Cannon had vowed he’d never become that man. He gave in and pressed the pain pump because the pain was getting worse. He listened as the nurse finished her tasks, then heard the door open. He was too tired to open his eyes, but he recognized Clara’s voice. He wanted to talk with her, but it would have to wait. He was so tired, but there were so many things he needed to know.
Clara had listened to the doctor when he came in. Cannon had been drifting in and out of a light sleep. The pain medicine had allowed his face to relax from the grimace he’d worn and relax in sleep.
She’d told a little fib, but Cannon had been too out of it to correct it. But then it wasn’t a fib to Clara. She told the doctor she was family and she was. Family didn’t have to be by blood. If there’s one thing she’d seen at Bluff Creek, it’s that they believedthe same way she did. Sprite wasn’t hers by blood, but she considered Sprite a daughter and all the kids grandkids. From the first, something about Cannon had drawn her in. He had the tough exterior but at the same time, he adored the kids and did anything to make them happy. She’d noticed it the first time she’d met him.
Living next to Cannon since she, Sprite, and the kids had moved to Bluff Creek had been an adventure. She saw the man beneath the mask he wore. If she would have had a son, she would have wanted one exactly like Cannon. She wondered if he was abused as a child because he sometimes called out when he had a nightmare. After she’d heard him the first time, she’d wondered how thin the walls were. The next night, she’d leaned close to the wall to try to understand what he was saying. After a couple nights of hearing him, she’d understood he was sayingno, Dad, please don’t.
For a man to still have issues in his forties, she had to believe that it had been traumatic. When she’d heard he was a prankster, she’d bought theProperty of CannonT-shirt, thinking he’d do something to get her back. Instead, he’d laughed, and they’d formed a friendship. Sometimes when her back was aching, she’d get up during the night and walk around the front room. A couple of times Cannon had heard her and got up too. He’d offered to play pool with her to occupy the time. Of course, she’d made him play twenty questions while they did, but late at night, Cannon was more approachable. Her chest ached with worry for him when she’d heard he’d been hurt.
She’d watched him when Jesse was around. His eyes had watched Jesse as if drawn by a magnet. He wanted Jesse, but if she’d come to know anything about Cannon, it was he didn’t think he should have someone.
His groan had her standing up and walking closer.
“Do you need something?”
His eyes opened. Instead of the haze of the drugs, she saw pain. She patted his hand.
“Do you need me to call the nurse?”
“No, drink. Want to talk.”
Clara picked up the glass and held the straw to Cannon’s lips. He drank slowly. Then licked his lips. Once she pulled the glass away, she picked up the lip balm she’d bought him and smeared some on his lips. He cracked a small smile and opened his eyes wider.
“Why?” he whispered.
“Why what?” she asked.
“Why are you taking care of me?”
His eyes reminded her of a feral kitten she’d tamed years and years ago. That kitten had been afraid to trust her when she gave it some chicken. Cannon was always looking for someone’s motive, but he didn’t realize how much he meant to her.
“Because you’re family,” she replied.
“Yeah, you know the ones you love but other times want to beat with a stick. Family!”
He chuckled, then grabbed his chest with his arm that wasn’t in a cast. “Don’t make laugh.”
“I won’t.”
She stared, waiting to see if he’d talk some more or drift off again. She’d been texting with Regina, Stella, and Meg. They needed to figure out how to help Cannon and Jesse find their way because, obviously, Cannon was screwing it up on his own.
“Range? Who’s running?”
Of course, he’d be worried about who was taking care of the tactical center and range. Cannon considered it his and, from what she’d heard, he pretty much did it all.
“War and Ellie are taking care of today and tomorrow. Then they are coming in a couple days if you think you’ll feel good enough to give them your input for during your recovery.”