Page 71 of Kingdom of Spirits
“What is happening, High Captain?” Titus was the first to speak, leaping from his dragon to salute Marius.
Marius studied the faces of his fellow knights. All of them had come. Every last one, save Ophelia.
Titus’s mouth was drawn tight and his eyes narrowed as he took in the scene. “We all experienced the same vision.” He truly cared for Tahlia; that much was obvious from the way he kept glancing at her. The two had begun acting like siblings in training and off hours, teasing and checking on one another. Marius approved of the growing bond between them. “We saw Lady Tahlia giving her life for yours when that monster lunged for you.”
“It felt like a summons,” Maiwenn said.
“But who called you?” Marius asked.
“I did.” Tahlia’s voice rang out clear behind Marius.
His heart drummed out of rhythm, and he spun. She smiled at him, supporting herself on her elbows. Warmth flooded his veins. Though she looked like a ghost of herself, she was still herself—achingly beautiful. His lovely, brave, soon-to-be mate. Hope flickered brightly in his chest. She was still sick and cursed, but maybe she could heal from this. Maybe between Trevain’s help and whatever magic Mother Twilight had awoken in Tahlia , she would be saved.
“Lady Fara gave me some flowers and I feel somewhat better.” Tahlia smiled at her squire.
“The curse still threatens her life,” Fara said. “I can’t stop that. But thesoleils guérisseursshould slow the decline and give her more time. Albus taught me about the plant.”
The other knights simply stared. There was much to explain about what had passed.
Tahlia beamed. “I’m sorry I didn’t pay more attention to your interest in healing, Fara. Lady Fara,” she said, correcting herself and glancing at Marius.
Marius couldn’t fight the broad smile stretching his lips. He couldn’t help but hope… “Thank you, Lady Fara.”
Marius longed to sprint to Tahlia’s side, lift her into his arms, and hide her away from the world. Just for a little while, hewanted her all to himself. To tend her wounds. To learn every bend and curve of her body. To make her laugh, gasp, moan, and sigh. He longed to see her bloom beneath his hands and in his care. She was still terribly pale and hollow-cheeked, but she was awake. Alive. For how long, well, he refused to dwell on that question at the moment.
Keeping a distance from Trevain, the knights swarmed Tahlia.
“Please help me to Lija,” Tahlia said to Fara.
Titus put an arm under Tahlia’s and hefted her up. Fara took up Tahlia’s other arm. They walked the few steps to Lija, then Tahlia settled on the ground and set her cheek against Lija’s folded wing, the uninjured one. Titus put a palm on Tahlia’s head briefly, and she looked up at him and gave him a mischievous grin. He gently bumped the underside of her chin with a knuckle.
Tahlia coughed and took a shuddering breath as she gathered herself, Titus stepping back so Fara could fuss over her.
“I called you with this woven magic artifact from a goddess in the Kingdom of Spirits,” Tahlia said.
Most of the knights blinked in surprise.
Light cut across Enora’s freckled face as she took a poultice from her bag and held it to Fara. “A goddess gave you a gift?”
Fara took the proffered poultice, studied the bottle, then worked on Lija. The dragon grunted in pain but only glared at Fara—no fire involved.
Ewan took a water skin from his bag and handed it to Tahlia. “What happened to Lija?”
“The monster you saw, it was Katk. He carries a plague too,” Tahlia said.
Morvan’s jet-black eyes studied Tahlia. “And you’re injured? I’m so confused. Somebody explain everything, please.”
“Stay back, just in case,” Tahlia said, waving a shaky hand and nearly touching Claudia’s whipping orange tail.
“I don’t think the curse will touch them,” Trevain said from behind the group.
The knights glanced his way, their faces drawn with wary awe.
Atticus shoved his hair back between his silver horns and turned to face Tahlia. “The curse? What curse?”
Lija was trying to partially cocoon Tahlia. Titus helped by moving a middling-sized boulder out of the way. Marius flexed his hands, wishing he was the one to physically help Tahlia. But he wasn’t sure if his touch would worsen her condition. Plus, he wasn’t sure he could control himself if he had his hands on Tahlia just now. He’d been so lost, so desperate, when she’d given herself for his life. If he touched her again—when he touched her—it would be to claim her in full as his mate and his ultimate joy. There wouldn’t be time for explanations about Katk or Mother Twilight.
“What exactly happened?” Titus asked.