Page 53 of Hollow Child
Eventually, I had warmed to Max when he was old enough to move around and laugh when he saw me, but he was still the exception to the rule. I didn’t like babies or kids, but I had always liked him specifically. Later on, I had come to like Stella, too.
But now I couldn’t wait to hold Rafaella.
When Max put her in my arms, I had the strangest sensation of my chest swelling. Like there was suddenly so much love and light inside me that I had to expand and grow to contain it all.
“She’s so precious.” Boden was there, whispering at my side as he reached down and touched her tiny hands. “She’s so small.”
“She came into this world at just over 5 lbs, and she’s a few weeks early,” Max said. “But she’s strong, and she’s already latched well.”
“Latched?” Boden asked.
“Breastfeeding,” Jovie said. “That’s one of the bigger concerns with preterm babies, but she’s eating and swallowing like a champ.”
“When was she born?” I asked.
“A few hours ago. It all happened so quickly, and Jovie wanted to wait until she was sure we were all stable before she sent Eden to fetch you,” Max explained.
“No need for an explanation,” I said. “You’re a dad now, and your priorities have shifted.”
“Yeah.” He had a big goofy grin as he laughed. “I’m a dad now.”
“You are a dad now and forever.” Boden turned his attention away from the baby and went over to Stella. He kissed the top of her head, and he asked, “How are you, kiddo?”
“Tired, relieved, terrified, ecstatic, hungry, and I think that almost covers it,” she said with a sleepysmile.
“Oh, I can get you something to eat.” Serg jumped at the chance to be useful.
“There’s food in the fridge and pantry.” Jovie motioned vaguely toward the kitchen, and I realized that she sounded very tired herself. She had given so much to ensure that Stella and Rafaella were safe.
"When do you get to come home?” I asked.
“To be on the safe side, I’d like Stella and the baby to stay for another week,” Jovie said. “Obviously, Max and Ripley are free to go as they wish.”
“I think I want to stay with my girls, as long as I am not in the way.” Max sat on the edge of the bed and took Stella’s hand.
“That’ll give us time to get the nursery ready,” Boden said. “So far, we only have a basinet.”
Serg returned a moment later with the food, and then he took his turn at holding the baby. Both he and Boden were so excited to be uncles, and their faces lit up like Rafaella was the sun when they held her.
I sat at the end of my bed with my knees pulled up to my chest and my arm wrapped around them. Up above was a skylight made out of melted down glass bottles, so it had a warped look. The morning sun and clouds were pulled around like a stretched-out funhouse mirror.
Boden stirred behind me. “You’re up early. Bad dreams again?”
“No, not last night.” I shook my head, and I felt his rough hand warming the bare skin of my back. “It’s the opposite, almost. There’s such a relief, but now I keep feeling like I’m forgetting something because I’m not waking up in a panic about Stella or Max or the baby or something.”
He sat up, looping an arm around my waist as he slid closer to me. “You should be getting sleep while you can, because in a few days we’ll have a newborn crying all hours of day and night.”
“I know, but I actually think I’ll like that better. The house is too quiet.”
“You never trust peace or silence.” He kissed my shoulder. “But you don’t have to worry. Chaos will find us soon enough. It always does.”
“You’re probably right.” I leaned against him, and he enveloped me in his arms, my back pressed against his chest. “What are your plans for the day?”
“I need to head down to talk to the Guardians,”Boden said, and his voice rumbled through me as he spoke.