Page 114 of Baby Daddy
The hospital cafeteria was busy. It was filled with weary-looking hospital personnel, but mostly worn out, worried parents. It saddened me that so many people had sick or injured children, and I was among them. My only solace was that they were getting the best care possible at this world-class hospital.
Dee and I both ordered burgers and large coffees and found a table for two in the corner. We hadn’t spoken a word since I asked her that one question. I had many more to ask, but I had to get something off my chest first.
I took a sip of the steamy coffee to fortify myself and then it just spilled out. “Dee, I am donor 5262.”
My eyes stayed on her as she lowered her lidded cup to the table. A look of shock washed over her face. She blinked hard several times, processing my words. Her mouth parted, but words didn’t come out.
“I’m Tyson’s real father, right?”
She nodded silently, still too shocked to speak. A short, intense silence stretched between us and then she broke it.
“I-I can’t believe it.”
There was no denying it. I had all the proof I needed.
Dee nervously picked at her burger. “I’ve never told a soul about what I did. Not even my sister. Kyle was on a downward spiral, going into bouts of deep depression and reckless behavior; our marriage was on the rocks. I thought that having a child would turn him around and save our marriage, but it wasn’t possible with him. He was infertile from all the booze and drugs though he didn’t know that. Determined, I read about sperm donation and learned about a sperm bank in Los Angeles.”
The one in Westwood. I knew it well. Dee continued.
“So, when I went to visit my sister, one fateful weekend seven years ago, I made secret arrangements to visit the sperm bank to pick out a donor.”
“Why did you pick me? There were dozens to choose from.”
“I picked you because you sounded amazing and had many of Kyle’s attributes—or should I say former ones. Your profile said you were tall, athletic, smart, funny, and healthy. Blue-eyed with dark hair.” She paused. “Oh, and you played the guitar and sang like a rock star.”
While I could have lived without the mention of Kyle, my lips twisted into a smile. “I am all that, but I lied on my application about a few things.”
Dee cocked a brow. “You did?”
“I had lousy grades, not a 5.0. I majored in fucking, not physics. I wore braces. And I was allergic to bees. Sorry about that.”
Dee quirked a little smile, the first since the accident. “How many times a week did you go there to um…uh…”
I cut her off. “You mean to jerk off in a jar? Three times a week all through college. I got calluses, but it paid me well.”
“You needed money?”
“Yeah. My father had me on a strict allowance and I needed extra bucks to support my lifestyle. Plus, he wanted me to get a job while I was in college to learn some real-world responsibility. So that was my job. I found it on a bulletin board at the campus coffee shop. Jerking off for dollars. Wank. Bank. And go. At the time, it was the best job in the world.”
“You regret it now?”
If she’d asked me that question a few weeks ago, the answer would have been a loud and clear yes. The stupidest thing I ever did. But now, I felt differently.
“No.” I paused thoughtfully. “I made Tyson…with you…and I don’t regret that at all.”
“Really?” Her voice was small and unsure.
“Yeah, really. I love that kid like she’s my own.” I paused for another moment. “What am I saying…she is my own. Ours.”
“Ours,” Dee repeated, her voice as soft as a prayer.
“I fell in love with her the minute I met her. And as time went on, my feelings grew and I began to suspect she could be mine. There were too many weird similarities…the color of her eyes…that gap between her teeth…the way she took to the ice…her left-handedness…those silly things we could both do like wiggle our ears and touch our tongues to our nose.”
“She even eats Oreos just the way you do,” Dee interjected with another small smile.