Page 25 of Baby Daddy
“Get the hell out of here.”
He snarled. “I’m not going anywhere until I get a piece of your ass and see my kid.”
My already rapid heartbeat quickened. I could feel my pulse in my throat. Fear surged in my blood vessels as I tried to think rationally. With his violent streak and drunken state, there was no telling how far he’d go.
“Tyson isn’t here. Now, leave!”
“Bullshit. Let me see her or I’m going to give it to you.”
“Kyle, if you don’t leave, I’m going to call the police.”
I impulsively turned on my heel, but as I took a step, he grabbed me, knocking me to the kitchen floor, flat on my back.
“Oh no you’re not,” he growled, pouncing upon me and holding me down with the weight of his body and the force of his hands. I writhed and wailed. “Let go of me!”
“Shut up, cunt!” he yelled with a sharp whack across my face that made me wince with pain. Tears stung my eyes as he squeezed me prisoner with his legs.
“Please don’t hurt me,” I begged, the tears now falling. I was trapped by him and helpless. Screaming for help at the top of my lungs wouldn’t help as no one lived on either side of our house and rarely did anyone walk by it.
Setting his beer bottle on the floor after another guzzle, he popped the button of his jeans and zipped down his fly. Thank God, he wasn’t commando. He rubbed his cock vigorously and I watched it swell beneath the fabric of his black boxer briefs. He breathed heavily against me.
“Remember good ol’ Joe Cocker?”
I never wanted to hear that name again. His pet name for his dick. I bit down on my trembling lip.
His mouth twisted into another diabolical smirk. “Well, if you don’t, let me refresh your memory.”
I shuddered as my breath caught.
“Open your legs for me, sweetheart, or I’ll open them for you.”
“No, please!” I sobbed out, my entire body shaking. I could already feel the pain of his penetration even before he entered me. How could I have ever fallen in love with this man? This monster.
“Are you wet for me?”
I couldn’t get words past my constricted throat. My lips quivered as sobs wracked my body.
“Answer me, bitch!” Without warning, his hand crashed across my face again, this time even harder, leaving a burning sensation in its wake. I cried out in pain. And then my eyes grew wide.
“Get the fuck off her.” Two large hands pulled Kyle off me by the edge of his wifebeater. Drake! My knight in shining armor. He shoved Kyle forcefully against the kitchen counter, one hand gripping his neck, the other his shoulder.
“Who the fuck are you?” Kyle choked out, turning red with rage as I scrambled to my feet.
“Your worst nightmare.”
“Drake, watch out!”
It was too late for a warning. In one swift move, Kyle grabbed an empty beer bottle off the counter and smashed it over Drake’s head. The glass bottle broke in half. I watched in horror as Drake, dazed, recoiled, stumbling on his feet and holding a hand to his head. Blood trickling down his face, he cursed under his breath and groaned.
Stepping backward, I ended up plastered against a wall as Kyle pulled up his worn jeans and took angry giant steps toward me. He pressed his hard, wiry body against me and poked his index finger into my throat, holding it there like a gun. A terrifying thought assaulted me. What if he actually had a gun? Terror filled every cell of my body.
“So, is that your motherfucking boyfriend?” he growled in my face.
“I’m more than her boyfriend,” came Drake’s enraged voice, “you fucking cocksucker.”
Before I could blink, Drake lunged toward Kyle, hurling him off me once more.
“You’re going to pay!” Spinning Kyle around, Drake punched him in the face with ear-splitting force and then gave a hard kick to his balls. Cursing, Kyle clutched his crotch.
“And here’s another one for good measure, fuckface.” With his powerful knee, Drake jabbed Kyle in the balls again. Groaning loudly, Kyle bent over in pain and then staggered out the backdoor. Rather than going after him, Drake took me into his strong arms.
“Are you okay?” he asked, tenderly brushing a strand of hair out of my eye.
Still shaking, I nodded and held him in my gaze. Kyle had cracked open Drake’s head and blood was pouring down his face from the sizeable gash above his eyebrow.
“You’re hurt.”
“I’ll live. Who was that motherfucker?”
I heaved a deep breath. “My husband.”