Page 48 of Baby Daddy
Dee gathered up the paper plates and plastic utensils while Ty continued to prance around the living room in her skating costume, skates, and magic cape.
“Cupcake, I want you to get ready for bed.”
“Aww, Mommy! Can’t I stay up late? It’s my birthday?”
I silently laughed, remembering how I used to try to bribe my parents to stay up late.
“It is late,” Dee responded, her voice authoritative. “And tomorrow’s a school day.”
“Pooey,” sulked Ty. “Can Drake put me to bed after I get into my jammies?”
Dee stopped to think while I grew a little anxious. Shit. I’d never put a kid to bed before.
“Please? Pretty please?” Ty begged, adding to my apprehension.
To my dismay, Dee caved in. “Fine. But only if you get into your pajamas right this very minute. And don’t forget to brush your teeth.”
“YAY!” Ty shouted before scurrying off in her skates. Five minutes later, she reappeared dressed in Danger Rangers PJs and still wearing my cape. An ear-to-ear grin spread across her face. I had to admit she was so damn cute.
“I’m ready, Drake,” she said brightly.
“Um…okay,” I hedged and hawed as she skipped back to the bedroom.
“Don’t let her trick you into reading more than one book,” Dee called out as I followed her daughter.
I looked over my shoulder and our eyes met. I shot her a nervous smile and assured her I wouldn’t.
Ty’s bedroom, which she shared with Dee, was the size of my walk-in closet. While Ty hopped into her bed, I eyed Dee’s identical neatly made-up twin bed. I’d had plenty of experience with them in college. They were good for a quick bang.
“Will you read me a story, Drake?” asked Ty, cutting the beginnings of a very naughty fantasy short.
My eyes flitted to the small bookcase in the corner of the room. Hand-painted with whimsical flowers, it was lined with children’s books.
“My mommy painted that bookshelf.”
“She’s a really good painter,” I said, admiring the paintings that dotted the walls. All portraits of big-eyed children, they were clearly Dee’s creations.
Another bright smile lit up Ty’s face. “Do you wanna hear a secret?”
“Sure,” I said though I was a little uncertain.
“My mommy wants to be a famous artist. She has ever since she was my age.”
“Maybe that’ll happen some day.” I wondered how much Tyson knew about Dee’s sordid childhood, but this wasn’t the time to pry as she continued.
“After the summer, my mommy’s going to be an art teacher at my new school.”
“I know.”
“Drake, are you going to miss my mommy after she stops being your helper?”
Her question caught me off guard; my breath caught in my throat. “I am.”
“A whole bunch?”
“Yeah, a whole bunch.”
“She’s going to miss you a whole bunch too.”