Page 6 of Baby Daddy
“Oh. My. God.” After saying the last word, my mouth stayed wide open in the shape of an “O.” A big “O.” I couldn’t get my legs to move or my eyes to blink. I just stood at the doorway, paralyzed, the large Bloomingdale’s shopping bag dangling from my hand while he barked at me.
“Jesus. Just don’t stand there. Hurry in and close the door.”
Holy moly! Standing before me was my new boss. The sex god, wearing nothing, but his boxer briefs. And there was nothing that stood between me and his Calvins. I could feel his heat as my eyes drank in his exquisitely sculpted body. He was spectacular with his clothes on, but even more breathtaking without them. Six-feet plus of pure manly perfection. Broad, sculpted shoulders…chiseled pecs…the six-pack of a male model…and powerful, muscular arms and legs dusted with a fine layer of dark hair. Oh, and that perfect pelvic V that drew my eyes to a bulge in his briefs that was far bigger than the one I imagined. Only one word came to mind—humongous. My eyes stayed glued on it. I was in state of shock. I should have waited for him to open the door. Maybe he was putting on some sort of cover-up. But stupid me used the office key Human Resources had given me and barged in. What was I thinking?
“Hurry,” he repeated, his voice urgent. Not giving me time to respond, he grabbed me by my elbow and yanked me into his office, slamming the door behind us.
Ruthlessly, he tore the shopping bag out of my hand. “Perfect,” he muttered, reaching inside for the T-shirt and jeans.
“They only had ripped jeans in your size. True Religion. I hope you don’t mind.”
Holding them up, he quirked a smile. God, it was dazzling, with two heart-shaped dimples that kissed his lush lips. My eyes stayed on him as he hastily stepped into the faded denim pants and pulled them up over his long legs before focusing on his groin as he zipped up his fly over his extraordinary endowment. My nerve endings buzzed with the whoosh of the zipper and I could feel my heart galloping. The sexy jeans fit him perfectly, hanging low on his hips, just below that those pelvic V lines and that happy trail grazing his lower abdomen. Wordlessly, I watched as he pulled the V-neck T-Shirt over his head and tucked it into his jeans, his mouthwatering biceps flexing as he did. God, he looked gorgeous. Swoon-worthy, may I say as my legs turned to Jell-O.
“Good job,” he said as he pivoted to retrieve his shoes—a pair of red Nikes nearby on the floor. I felt myself flush with pride—and arousal—as I admired his delicious ass. Well, at least I wasn’t on his shit list. Or about to get fired.
“What took you so long?” he snapped as he bent down to slip on the shoes.
A lump formed in my throat as dread rolled through my stomach. Maybe I jumped to a conclusion too fast.
“Well?” He looked up at me as he fiddled with the laces. “My presentation is in five minutes.”
“Um, uh, I got lost.” I refrained from telling him that I also made a stop at the lingerie department to pick up a new pair of panties to replace my soaked ones.
“Seriously? Everyone knows where the Galleria is.”
My mouth twitched while words stayed trapped in my throat.
“Dammit,” he shouted.
I held my breath and prepared for the worse. I was getting the ax.
“Get your ass…
Out of here…GULP!
“Over here and help me take out these damn knots.”
Phew! I breathed out a sigh of relief and hurried over to him. Squatting down, I joined him, so close that our knees touched and his warm breath skimmed my cheeks. He yanked at a pair of the shoelaces and I could hear him curse again under his breath.
“Stop it,” I reprimanded. “You’re making it worse.”
“Oh, so now you’re an expert on knots?” His voice dripped with sarcasm.
“Yes, I am. Now please let go.”
Reluctantly, he removed his hands, setting them on his thighs, while I went to work. The honest-to-god truth, I was an expert when it came to knots. I’d undone countless ones, from the simplest to the toughest that often took hours. And I was great with gnarly hair knots and tangled necklace chains as well. It was all part of my other job requirements.
Fortunately, Drake’s knots weren’t too bad. I felt his eyes on my hands as I maneuvered the balled-up laces, loosening and untangling them. It took patience and a fair amount of strategy. In no time, both knots were undone.
“Wow, you’re really good,” remarked Drake with a smile.
I returned the smile, though mine was fraught with smugness. “Let me tie your shoes for you the proper way so the laces won’t get undone or knotted up again.”
“You’d make a really good mother.” Drake laughed.