Page 61 of Baby Daddy
“Sure,” I said as Dee sat down and Ty hopped up on me. As the strawberry scent of her hair wafted in my nose, a big part of me (no pun intended) wished it was Dee sitting on my lap and I was inhaling her.
Charlie cut into my fantasy. “Everybody, let’s take five. When you guys get back, we’ll wrap this baby up.”
“There’s a baby here?” asked Ty, full of innocence, her eyes circling the small room.
I chuckled as did Jennifer. This little girl was so damn adorable. “What Charlie means is that when the cast gets back we’ll finish up the recording session.”
“I get it!” beamed Ty as the cast removed their headsets and dissipated to take a short break. Right about this time, the accommodating studio always had a tray of delicious, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies waiting in the kitchen for the staff and actors. Usually, a PA brought in a plateful for Charlie, Jen, the engineer, and myself, and today was no different. They arrived just after I introduced everyone.
“Yum!” squealed Ty, taking one giant bite after another.
“What is your red cape for?” asked Jen, the mother of two young children.
“Drake gave it to me for my birthday,” replied Ty proudly. “It’s magic.”
I shrugged nonchalantly as Ty jumped off my lap.
“I’m Mighty Girl!” She flexed her slender arms like a weight lifter. “I can be anything I want. And today, I’m a superhero like the Danger Rangers!”
As she fearlessly leaped across the room, my eyes jumped from Dee’s mortified expression to Jen’s excited one.
“Drake, after the recording session, let’s talk. You’ve just given me a great idea.”
I shot her a puzzled look. She shot me back a wink that had me guessing and could drive me crazy. Network executives had so much power. Much more than Ty’s imaginary superhero. Another voice diverted my attention.
Brandon Taylor. Wearing low-slung sweats and a V-neck T-shirt, he entered the booth.
“How am I doing, guys?”
I watched as Dee’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Oh my God! You’re Brandon Taylor! I love your show.”
The dashing actor was the star of the highest rated show on TV—Kurt Kussler. A cocky mega-watt smile curled on the action hero’s lips, and his famous violet eyes twinkled. “Thanks. Will someone introduce me to this beautiful woman?”
My eyes fixed on Dee’s face, her expression wavering between awestruck and love-struck. Her eyes were batting a hundred miles a minute and her mouth was still wide open. White-hot jealousy heated my bones as I reluctantly made the introduction to Hollywood’s number one heartthrob—People Magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive.” What woman didn’t love him? My nerve endings crackling, I had to remind myself he was happily married and a family guy. But my jealousy reared its ugly head again when I made the introduction and he bent to kiss Dee’s hand.
“Why are you kissing my mommy?” challenged Ty, hopping back on my lap. “Only Drake’s allowed to kiss her!”
I felt my face reddening. Dee’s was turning crimson too. All eyes fell on me.
“Kids,” I mumbled with a dismissive shrug, thankful that the cast was filing back into the recording booth.
“I guess that’s my cue,” said Brandon as he pivoted toward the door. “See you guys later.”
“By the way, Brandon, you’re rocking it,” commended Charlie just before he disappeared.
My pulse rate calmed down as the actors returned to their places and put their headsets back on. Mikes stood before them along with stands holding the recording script.
“Okay, boys and girls, let’s wrap this episode up. Don’t forget there’s a six-year-old sitting next to me so you need to behave.”
“Yes, Mommy!” the cast shouted out in unison in childlike voices.
Ty giggled. “They’re funny!”
With Charlie pulling all the punches, the rest of the session went smoothly—and tastefully. Now almost six o’clock, we had one last scene to record—the climatic scene where the Rangers save the citizens of Bay City from the evil Exterminator and then destroy the monster.
“Okay, cast,” Charlie thundered, “I need some loud screaming. You’re the citizens of Bay City and the Exterminator is coming after you.”
The cast did as he asked, but I had to agree with Charlie. They sounded lame.