Page 66 of Baby Daddy
“You’ve got to promise to keep it a secret.” I put a shushing finger to my lips. “Can you do that?”
She nodded again.
“Pinky shake?”
A big grin whipped across her face. “Pinky shake!” she shouted out, offering me her little finger. The deal was sealed and somehow with our pinkies locked together I felt even closer to this special little girl and her mother. The connection between us was magical. Electrical. Real.
“Drake, what does this all mean?” asked Dee, recovered from her covert orgasm.
“It means that your lives are going to change in a big way.”
I walked Dee to her truck, and while she threw her bag into the trunk, I lifted Tyson into her car seat.
“Drake, do you wanna sleep over again?” she asked as Dee returned to buckle her up.
“No, cupcake, that’s not a good idea,” Dee retorted, spitting out the words.
“But, Mommy—”
“No ‘but, Mommy.’ Play with your new iPad. Drake and I need to talk for a few minutes and then we’re going straight home.”
“Are you gonna kiss him, Mommy?”
Dee slammed the door shut and then faced me squarely.
“Listen, Drake, I need to be honest with you.”
“You want to kiss me?”
“That’s not funny.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be.”
“You’ve got to stop.”
“Stop what?”
“Everything you’re doing. We shouldn’t get involved.”
“I’m confused. What’s going on?”
“I’m having second thoughts. You’re bad for me. And I’m bad for you. I don’t want this to escalate any further.”
“I don’t fucking believe you.”
“Believe it.”
“And believe that you didn’t want to suck me off last night or let me toe fuck you under the table a few minutes ago? Or kiss you on the roller coaster?”
“That was different. I was scared. I wasn’t in control.”
“You could have gotten up from the table just now. You weren’t roped down although you tied to a chair is quite an entertaining image.”
Though the sky was darkening, the blush on Dee’s cheeks shone in the evening air.
“This is hard for me, Drake.”
“Yeah, it’s hard for me too.”