Page 72 of Baby Daddy
The week with Drake away in Germany went by quickly. Though there was a nine-hour time difference, we managed to talk several times a day. A lot of our conversations were about Mighty Girl. In his absence, I had taken the lead on the development, my artistic background making it easy for me to communicate with the character and storyboard artists as well as the animators, who were whipping up a short CGI sizzle reel to convey the look and feel of the series. I had to say I was totally awed by how they captured Ty’s likeness and sassiness just from the photos and videos I’d provided. I was also awed by the speed at which the Hanson Entertainment creative team worked. Drake brought in Jaime Zander’s agency ZAP! to work with the Hanson team to create the promo script with input from Peanuts executive, Jennifer Burns, and by Wednesday, I was back at the recording studio with Tyson to record her lines. My little Mighty Girl nailed it, and I couldn’t be prouder or more excited, especially after I heard that the reel was received with a standing ovation by both his father and Gunther. When Drake got back from Germany, he was going to negotiate our deal. He mentioned royalties, an executive producer fee, and back end participation, but I had no idea what all those things meant.
And then there were the other phone calls, the ones from his hotel room…his bed. The caring ones making sure that Ty, Lulu and I were all safe and sound. And the toe-curling ones that shot hot tingles to my core and wet heat between my legs. Drake had only one rule: we couldn’t text or send personal emails. He was too afraid that Gunther’s Gestapo-like aids would intercept them. Any evidence of our sexual intimacy or talk about Kyle could jeopardize his father’s deal.
Saturday came before I knew it. At seven a.m., a phone call woke me up. Drake. He was at the Munich airport, about to board his father’s private plane, and would be at my house by six. After he said goodbye, I was too wound up to stay in bed. Attending tonight’s black tie gala at his parents’ house had my stomach in knots. I was super nervous about meeting both his father and Gunther. How was I supposed to behave? What should I talk about? And most worrisome of all, what was I supposed to wear? I wasn’t exactly the kind of girl who had a closet full of evening gowns. In fact, I didn’t own one and I hadn’t had time to go shopping during the week. Maybe Lulu had something I could borrow, but chances of one of her dresses fitting me were slim. We had totally different body types. Lulu was tall and lanky with legs that went on for miles while I was average in height and what one would call curvy. Maybe later today, when my little sleepyhead woke up, we’d go shopping—find a thrift store or resale shop and get lucky with a slinky gown and some strappy heels. It would be great if Lulu could come along as she had a great eye and great taste, but Saturday was her busiest day with clients. As I padded around the kitchen making a pot of much needed coffee and contemplating the day ahead, the doorbell rang. Who could be here so early in the morning? My heartbeat quickened at the thought it might be Kyle, but I took comfort in remembering that the drugged out former musician was never up at this early hour.
Heading to the door, I peeked through the peephole and smiled with relief. It was my sister Lulu, her hands full—a cardboard tray with two coffees in one hand and a small bag in the other. Unlocking the door, I swung it open.
“Hi,” I said softly, not wanting to wake up Ty. “What are you doing here? I thought you had a client this morning.”
She stepped inside. “I did, but while I was driving to her house, she called me to cancel because she had menstrual cramps. So I headed over to Donut King and picked up some coffee and donuts. I don’t have another client till ten.”
“Thanks,” I said, grabbing one of the coffees and following Lulu to the couch where we sat down, sitting cross-legged facing each other. The way we used to as kids when we played cards.
“Have a donut.” Lulu handed me the bag. Inside were three donuts—two of them glazed and the other a pink frosted one with rainbow sprinkles. “The pink sprinkled one is for Ty,” she said as I curled my fingers around one of the glazed ones.
“That is so sweet of you. She’ll love it. That’s her favorite.”
Smiling, Lulu bit into her donut. “Holy cow. These are good. The next best thing to sex.”
I gulped down my yummy biteful. “I wouldn’t know.”
Lulu rolled her eyes at me. “C’mon, sis. Don’t tell me you and Drake haven’t slept together.”
I shook my head. “We haven’t even gone out on a real date.”
Lulu tore off a piece of her donut. “What the heck are you waiting for? Your vagina is going to dry up and crumble.”
Lulu had a way with words. She could always make me laugh. Rather than telling her that he made me as wet as Niagara Falls whenever he was with me, I iterated all my excuses… that it was difficult with Ty around…that I was still technically married…that I’d been hurt once, both physically and emotionally. I didn’t want to get hurt again.
“Dee-Dee, you’ve got to move past Kyle. Drake’s a great guy and he’s crazy about you.”
“How do you know?”
“He told Brock.”
My brows shot up. “He talked to Brock about me?”
Lulu rolled her eyes again. “Duh. Brock’s his best friend. Guys talk about more than just sports and the number of times they’ve gotten laid.” She stuffed the glazed chunk into her mouth. “And he’s crazy about Tyson too.”
I couldn’t deny that. Everything he did made Tyson’s world brighter. Around him, my precious baby was a like a mega-watt light bulb.
I took a sip of my steaming coffee and then set the cup down on the coffee table. Planting my elbows on my thighs, I sunk my head between my hands and sulked.
“But, Lou. There’s still the availability issue. Maybe that’s why he likes our relationship. He’s a player; he doesn’t want commitment. He can justifiably walk away anytime because I’m still married.”
“Bullshit. He’s not walking away. He asked Brock to look into facilitating your divorce. Brock will represent you.”
“Huh!?” My head shot up. “Drake never told me that.”
“Maybe he wanted to surprise you.”
“With Brock’s exorbitant bill?” Anger crept into my voice. “There’s no way on earth I could afford Brock.”
Lulu held me steadfast in her gaze. “Drake offered to pay for Brock’s services, but Brock didn’t want his money. He’s going to handle your case free of charge.”