Page 156 of Naughty Nelle
“I thought these women were supposed to be donut lovers,” I grumbled.
“I thought so too.”
“Where the hell did you find them?”
“The recruiter ran an ad on Craigslist. I guess they lied.”
“Jesus.” Anything to make a buck. Each of these respondents was being paid one hundred dollars to be here and share their opinions. What good were they if they didn’t eat donuts? Adding in the cost of the recruiter and the report, my calculation for this qualitative research, as Clint referred to it, came close to ten thousand dollars out of my pocket. My blood curdled. I was so simmering mad I could see smoke coming out of my nostrils.
“Goddamn it, Mallory. This is a total waste of time and money.”
“No, this is very valuable. Obviously, the donut business is dead. My father should have never invested in your company.”
I was now breathing fire like an angry dragon. “It’s not dead. Everyone loves donuts. We’re just doing something wrong.”
And then as I was about to send her in to end the group, a sweet voice filtered into the observation room. My Olive!
“Would someone please pass me the box of donuts?”
“Be my guest,” said the woman closest to them, handing it down the line of respondents as if it was filled with dog shit. My gaze stayed focused on Olive as the box landed in front of her. She lifted the lid and peeked in. Her eyes sparkled and her lush mouth watered.
“Wow! These look so good! I haven’t had one in ages.” She studied the donuts. “Eenie, meenie, miney, moe…”
I held my breath while my cock twitched.
“I’m going to help myself to my favorite…a cream-filled one.”
Oh yes, my favorite too. It had always been our top seller.
Like in a slo-mo scene ripped out of a movie, she reached into the box and put the donut to her lips. Her eyes closed as she slowly wrapped her mouth around the circle of dough. And then she did it. Bit into it, ripping off a large chunk with her teeth. My cock boinged as the creamy filling seeped out. Holy shit! It was like the donut was having its own epic orgasm. “Mmmm.” A soft moan drifted into the room. I felt like I was going to cream my pants.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” she screamed out, arching her back and squeezing her eyes shut as she savored the biteful.
A look of ecstasy swept over her face. Every eye in the room stayed on her as she swallowed and cried out “Oh God” before going for another bite.
“I want whatever she’s having,” shouted one of the respondents.
“Me too!” echoed another woman. And then another and another. “Someone pass the box.”
While Olive finished consuming her donut, the box got passed around, and within seconds, moans and groans filled the room. It was like an orgasmic choir led by my beautiful Olive. Even the group moderator joined the chorus and I could hear her moan.
As I watched my Olive lick a little of the cream off her upper lip, I was having my own mental orgasm. My ready-to-burst cock strained against my pants. My know-it-all marketing director was wrong; she’d jumped the gun. There was nothing wrong with our donuts. Fucking nothing. Olive’s “ohs” whirled around in my head. Ideas were spinning too.
An infuriated Mallory broke into my delicious thoughts. “This is ridiculous. It’s like an orgy in there. I am going to put an end to this group.”
“Be my guest.” I had all the research—and answers—I needed. A satisfied smile stretched across my face. Orgy coincidentally began with a big “O” too.
“These women shouldn’t even be compensated,” Mallory hissed. “Especially that big fat ball of trouble.”
Rage pulsed through me; I wanted to smack her.
“Don’t talk about her like that,” I growled. But then a bright idea hit me. “Actually, Clint, I don’t want her compensated. Please have her stay behind and bring her to my office. I will handle her personally.”
Mallory smirked as she headed out of the observation room. “You should give her what she deserves for disrupting the group.”
That’s exactly what I had in mind. And a lot more.
“And Clint, one more thing. Please fire our advertising agency and hire the hottest one in town to do a new campaign. I want a meeting set for this afternoon.”
Mallory fired me a puzzled what-the-fuck look. Before she could utter a word, I shut her up. “Do it.”
As a miffed Mallory disappeared, my eyes drifted back to my beautiful Olive.
She had single-handedly put the O back in our donuts. I broke into another big smile. Donut King was going to re-conquer the world. And I was going to conquer her.