Page 185 of Naughty Nelle
Elzmerelda, breaking loose of my grip, raises her hand halfway. “I’ve always wanted to meet a real pirate.” She gazes dreamily at Hook.
“Why is that?” asks Grimm.
“To go on an adventure and sail the high seas.” She takes hold of my hand again.
“That’s really brave,” interjects Winifred.
“Winifred, you seem to admire bravery,” says Grimm. “Often, the qualities we admire in others are the very traits we lack and covet in ourselves.”
Bravery is sure not my problem. If that pirate doesn’t stop ogling me, I swear I’m going to yank off his hook and whack him with it. And I know exactly where.
Dr. Grimm presses on. “So, Elzmerelda, why do you want to go on a high seas adventure?”
“I’ve always wanted to get away.” Her palm is suddenly cold and clammy.
“From whom?” asks Grimm.
Silence. Elzmerelda’s bravery has melted into fear.
Sasperilla folds her arms across her concave chest. “You’re wasting everyone’s time. Tell him already.”
“Mother!” her sister blurts out at last.
Sasperilla’s eyes narrow into knife-like slits.
“Why your mother?” asks Grimm.
I shudder. He’d better never ask me why I dreamt of escaping my mother!
“B-b-because I want to live my own life!” splutters Elzmerelda. “I’m tired of her telling me what to do, what to wear, and whom to marry!”
Sasperilla gasps. “You indignant ingrate! I’m telling Mother on you when I see her!”
“Tell on me; I don’t care.” Elzmerelda’s voice shakes. “And besides, you’ve always told on me. You’ve always wanted to get me into trouble with Mother.”
“My children are always telling on each other,” comments Winifred. “They just want attention.”
“That’s an excellent observation, Winifred,” says Grimm. “Sasperilla, does your mother give you enough attention?”
“Never! She always dotes on Elzmerelda because she thinks she’s the pretty one.”
“That is so not true!” protests Elzmerelda.
An “is so/ is not” battle erupts and lasts until What’s-His-Name let out a startling roar that abruptly silences both sisters.
With the slightest trace of a smile, Grimm thanks the troll. His eyes shift from one sister to the other. “Fighting is not an acceptable way to resolve conflicts. I want the two of you to work on alternative means.”
Despite Grimm’s ultimatum, Sasperilla won’t give up. She manages to get in the last word.
“Guess what! I hope you sail away and get eaten by a whale, you little twit!”
Her hurtful words bring tears to Elzmerelda’s eyes. An unexpected wave of sadness sweeps over me. I know how it feels to be abandoned. To feel unloved. Elzmerelda’s quiet sobs tug at my heart. If Hook’s back to leering at me, I’m oblivious.
After group, Elzmerelda begs me to go to Arts and Crafts with her.
“I’m sure if we’re in class together Sasperilla won’t come,” she says. “I don’t think she likes you.”
That’s an understatement. The skinny bitch hates me. Though I was looking forward to cooking again with Winifred, I cave in to Elzmerelda’s plea. Unfortunately, Sasperilla’s already in the classroom when we get there. What’s-His-Name is there too.