Page 210 of Naughty Nelle
I unfold it. Before me, is a childlike drawing of two smiley girls hugging each other, one very tall and thin with long brown hair and a bow; the other, not as tall or thin, with short dark hair and a crown. Below the picture, the words “BEST FRIENDS FOREVER” are printed in big block letters.
I burst into tears. “I wish I was dead!”
“Jane, you must never say that! Never!” Winnie holds me close to her. “Let’s get some fresh air. It’ll do you good.”
She helps me out of bed, letting me grip her body for support. Though I’m no longer in any pain, it takes all my effort to stand up. Clutching Winnie’s arm, I take my first step. My legs wobble. My body trembles. I’m much weaker than I thought.
As I limp down the corridor with the only friend I have left at Faraway, I feel something I haven’t felt since I was a little girl. Vulnerable. The Evil Queen, who once upon a time was not afraid to kill, is now afraid to die.
At lunch, a huge banner above the buffet welcomes me back. Everyone has signed it, except for Sasperilla. Rumpelstiltskin’s signature, written in large, ornate letters, sticks out like a sore thumb. He must really be proud of his name. I’m touched; it takes everything I have to hold back tears.
The best part of being back from the dead is that everyone’s so nice to me. They bring me my meal and volunteer to do my yucky chores. Even Hook’s on good behavior though I’m not sure how long that’ll last.
I’m surprised, to say the least, when Sasperilla sits down next to me and wraps one of her scrawny arms around my shoulders. Could she have she possibly become a new person while I was sick?
“I have a welcome back present for you,” she says.
With a wide smile, she dumps her plate of food on mine and then saunters off. Shame on me for thinking she could be nice. She’s just jealous I’ve lost weight from my illness.
After lunch, I retreat to my room. I’m still not well enough to go to group or meet with Shrink. Which is fine by me because I dread going to either.
Slumped on the edge of my bed, I stare at the empty bed next to mine. God, I miss Elz. Her homely face. Her fashion-challenged bows. Even her annoying singsong voice and her “lalalas.” Who’s going to get me up in the morning? Those stupid birds probably won’t even show up now that she’s gone.
I suppose I should enjoy having the room to myself. It’s only a matter of time until I get a new roomie. A new loony who won’t replace my Elz. As I pull my covers over me, I take another look at the card she made. “Best Friends Forever.” Holding it next to my heart, I close my eyes.