Page 224 of Naughty Nelle
“How do you feel about that?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you feel jealous?”
“No, I’m happy for her. She deserves to go home to her family. She’s a good person.”
“That’s a healthy reaction. I must say, however, that your look belies your happiness.”
“What do you mean?”
“Jane, you seem sad.”
“I am sad!” My voice rises. “I miss her. Is that okay?”
“It’s more than okay. It’s excellent. You’ve connected to another person.”
She’s right. I’ve also connected to Elz, Pinocchio, Rump, and, in some way, Hook too.
“What’s special about Winifred?” asks Shrink.
“She cared about me. We had fun together.”
“Did you care about her?”
“Yes, of course, I cared about her.” I’m getting irritable. Where is she going with these stupid questions?
“Remember, that’s what friendship’s all about. Caring. Being there for each other in good times as well as bad.”
My mind flashes back to Winnie caring for me when I was sick. Other memories drift through my head…Elz fixing my bloody mess of a finger…Pinocchio standing up for me in group… Rump telling Sasperilla off.
Shrink hovers over me. “Jane, if I asked you today to write down the answer to this question—Do you have a best friend?—what would it be?”
I’ve answered that question before. On that bogus admissions form.
“Can there be two answers?”
Shrink’s face tenses up. “Only if you have to.”
“Then, Winifred and Elzmerelda.”
Shrink’s face relaxes. “That’s wonderful, Jane. I thought for a minute you were going to say Winifred and your ‘magic’ mirror.”
It takes a moment for her words to sink in. My mirror, magic or not, is no longer my best friend. I hardly miss it.
“Will I ever get to see them again?” I ask.
“Yes, Jane.”
In my next life, I suppose.
“Start packing your bag. You’ll be going back to Lalaland tomorrow morning. Both Dr. Grimm and I believe you’ve made significant progress here and are ready to continue your recovery there.”
I’m leaving Faraway?Bolting up, I gaze at Shrink with a mixture of shock, disbelief, and pure joy.
“But I still have evil thoughts.” Wait! Why am I telling her that when I’ve just gotten this great news?
“Give me an example.”