Page 252 of Naughty Nelle
All Winnie and Elz can say is “Oh.”
Oh is right. I’d better get out of here. Fast!
Gallant grabs me by the elbow, holding me back. “Please don’t leave, Jane. I need someone to talk to.”
He gazes at me. His blue eyes are glazed over. He’s drunk. Really drunk. I struggle to break free from his tight grip.
“Leave the lady alone!” says Hook, slurring his words.
“Who is she to you?” asks Gallant.
“None of your bilge sucking business!”
And then the unthinkable happens. Hook takes a whack at The Prince, and The Prince whacks him right back. Holy crap! They’ve begun a bar room brawl!
“Remember what they say,” says Gallant. “The wise man hits first; the better man hits last.”
“Well, I’ll show you who’s better,” responds Hook. He packs a powerful punch that sends The Prince to his knees, gasping for air.
“You like pain? I’ll you show you pain,” says Gallant, getting back on his feet. At full force, he charges at Hook and knocks him down. Pinning his opponent to the sawdust-covered floor, The Prince delivers a series of hard blows, one right after the other.
Poor Elz winces with every blow and, finally unable to stomach it any more, buries her head in her arms. My heart hammers. Gallant’s going to do the pirate in!
Suddenly, Hook whips out his sword with his good hand and slices Gallant across his neck. The Prince recoils, freeing Hook. Oh my God. Blood is trickling down his neck. I’m going to be sick.
Undeterred, Gallant staggers to his feet and draws his sword. “I challenge you to a duel for the fair maiden’s heart!”
I can’t believe this is happening! The Prince must be drunk out of his mind.
“My pleasure,” says Hook. Without wasting a second, he lunges at The Prince, who ducks his assault.
Clinkity-Clink. Our Girls’ Night Out has now turned into a life-or-death jousting match minus the horses. The pub-goers crowd around the dueling duo and cheer them on. They’re even placing wagers.
“Round 2 goes to the challenger,” someone shouts out. Gallant gives a nod of acknowledgement as he holds off Hook.
Elz peeks up at the fight and bites her lip. “It’s all my fault,” she says tearfully. “I should have never brought you guys here.”
Winnie consoles her with a hug. “Life happens.”
“But Winnie, what if death happens?” asks Elz, her voice shaking.
“Good question.” Winnie ponders. “Let’s think on the bright side.”
Forget it, Winnie! There is no bright side! If Gallant kills Hook, Elz will never forgive me. And if Hook kills Gallant? Oh, God! I can’t even begin to imagine the consequences. And then, there’s the third scenario: they kill each other…
A loud gasp from the crowd stops my thoughts cold. Gallant has knocked Hook’s sword out of his hand, sending it flying across the room.
“You think you’ve got me?” says Hook, red with rage. “Well, you’re wrong!”
The Prince doesn’t see it coming. Neither do I. In the blink-of-an-eye move, the pirate whacks Gallant in the head with his heavy metal hook. The blow is more than The Prince can bear. He crumples to the floor as I gasp.
Hook retrieves his sword with his good hand and brandishes it victoriously above his head. “This time, drinks all around on me!” he shouts boastfully.
The crowd charges to the bar as I race over to the unconscious Prince.
“Hook! You’ve killed him!” screams Elz, in hysterics.
“He’s alive!” I yell on the top of my lungs. “Help me get him out of here!”