Page 256 of Naughty Nelle
Calla makes a face but complies. Maybe it’s because Marcella said “please” for once.
The PIW tears through the tabloid pages. “Jane, why isn’t there any gossip about what I’m wearing to the ball?” Venom fills her eyes.
I make a mental note. Add to To-Do List: Leak Marcella’s gown.
The route we’re taking is familiar. It’s as though we are going to The Trove. We pass Midas this and Midas that. I swear the number of Midas properties has multiplied since I last traveled down this road. When I get back to my castle, maybe I’ll invite him over and have a little chat about expanding my empire.
My cliffside castle soon soars into view and that burning desire to reclaim it surges inside me. My eyes grow wide when the coach turns into the narrow road that leads to it. What is going on here?
The road is long and lined with potholes, bumps, and debris. With each fault we pass over, my heart slams harder against my chest. Is this some kind of surprise? Am I finally free to live in my castle?
“Are we there yet?” asks Calla.
“Almost,” smiles the Prince.
We’re at the base of my property. The moat is gone, completely filled in. No big deal. It was a nuisance to cross anyway. My eyes travel up the jagged hillside to my majestic castle. It’s shrouded by a thick, billowy cloud.
My eyes stay peeled to the window as the coach circles halfway around the mountain. I want to jump out, run up to my home. As the coach comes to a sudden halt, my stomach lurches.
A large sign with bold, gold writing is posted into the earth.
What! They’ve sold my castle to this Midas creep? Without asking me? My mouth opens so wide I think everything inside me will leap out.
“There is an amazing apple orchard here,” says The Prince.
I should know. This is my castle!
“The owner shall not mind,” Gallant continues.
Why don’t you ask?my head screams. You’re looking right at her!
The apple orchard is exactly as I remember it. Hundreds of trees ripe with fragrant red fruit line the base of the cliff. As I stand in its midst, memories mingle with madness.
I’m going to sue that Midas bastard. Take him to court. With luck, I’ll get that whack-job judge, and she’ll take off his head.
On second thought, forget about suing. It’ll take too long. I’m going to hunt him down and destroy his life the way he’s destroyed mine. Poison him if I have to. Whatever it takes, I’m going to get my castle back.
“How about we have a contest to see who can pick the most apples,” says The Prince, oblivious to the rage blazing inside me.
“That’s ridiculous,” scoffs Marcella.
For once, she’s right. I’m in no mood for fun and games to say the least. Unless the prize is Midas’s heart.
“Papa, I’m going to win!” shouts Calla who’s already running to a tree abundant with fruit. Using a long stick she’s found, she knocks off several apples.
“Look, Papa!” she says with excitement. “I already have five apples!”
“Excellent!” says The Prince.
Marcella rolls her eyes. She clearly can’t wait for this day to be over. Neither can I.
The four of us scatter around the orchard. I spot The Prince and Calla in the distance, but Marcella’s nowhere in sight. She’s probably gone back to the coach to read her tabloid.
I wander aimlessly from tree to tree. Rage mixed with shock is ravaging me. Just wait until I get my hands on that Midas!