Page 292 of Naughty Nelle
As I struggle to my feet, the ghastly serpent—it must be fifty feet long!—slithers across the shimmering red train, heading straight toward The Prince. Its deafening hiss sends everyone running except the royal family. Gallant protectively shields Calla.
Lifting her head, the serpent lets out a loud, hoarse laugh. “I’m coming for you.”
“Leave Calla alone. It’s me you want,” Gallant says stoically.
The hideous monster flicks her long, black forked tongue. “Yes, my love, it is you I want.”
My heart freezes in shock as she springs forward and snatches him. Coiling her body around him like a whip, she hoists him high into the air. Almost to the gilded ceiling of the multi-storied ballroom.
“Papa!” cries Calla. The King holds her back.
I watch with horror as my monster mother brandishes Gallant like a trophy. He tries desperately to twist himself free from her powerful grip. But it’s futile.
“My love, it’s finally time to say ‘I do’.” Her evil tongue grazes The Prince’s strong chin. Repulsed, he jerks his head away. Our eyes meet, his burning into mine.
I read his lips. “Jane, I love you.”
No one has ever said that to me before. No one.
My heart clenches as I cry out the words, “I love you too!”
“Gallant, my love, you belong to me!” hisses my mother.
“No, Mother, his heart belongs to me!” I shout back.
“Not this time, you wicked child.” Her jaw opens wide, exposing her venomous fangs. They’re as long and sharp as daggers.
My heart is thudding in my ears. I can’t let her take My Prince away from me. I can’t! With all the strength I can muster, I throw myself at her, attempting to tear her away from Gallant. The attack takes her by surprise. She lets go of Gallant, sending him flying. He lands head first in an unconscious heap. Crumpled and lifeless.
Calla screams. My heart stops. Oh my God! He’s dead!
“Jane, Jane, Jane,” my mother hisses. “Always messing up my life. It’s time for you to pay for being born!”
Uncoiling, she goes after me with hell-bent speed. I run. Faster than I ever have in my six-inch heels. I’m almost safely out the door when the unimaginable happens. One of my heels catches in the shreds of my once voluminous dress. I go flying across the marble floor, landing next to Gallant.
My Prince! My poor darling Gallant! He’s as pale as a corpse, yet he is as beautiful as ever to me. I gently run my fingers over the contours of his soft, peaceful face, making the outline of a heart. Red-hot tears tumble onto his ice-cold flesh. Heartache tears through me. I can’t resist. Cradling his head, I lean in close to him. And kiss him. One last time.
His lips, still warm and delicious, melt every fiber of my being. I love you, Gallant. I always will. If only my kiss could bring you back to me. Magic exists. Maybe not in a mirror, but in my heart, I know it does.
Running my fingers through his tousled hair, I press my lips deeper into his. Oh, please wake up! Please! He doesn’t move. Somewhere in my head, Calla’s voice calls out to me, but I can’t let go. I can’t! And then, without warning, a waft of cold air blows on the nape of my neck, sending a chill down my spine. I twist my head around and gasp. My mother. The monster!
“Now, Jane, kiss your mother good-bye,” she hisses in the same wicked tone I remember from my childhood.
Her breath of death is upon my cheeks. I’m terrified. Oh, God. Think, Jane, think! Without thinking, I rip off a shoe and scrape the sharp stiletto heel across her thick, scaly skin. The sharp sound of her leathery skin ripping apart is music to my ears.
She winces with pain, her head swinging wildly. “You evil girl! How could you do that to your mother?”
Ha! It was easy. I do it again. This time harder and deeper. A putrid green goo oozes out of her wounds. She sinks back to the floor, still twisting and turning. I slide back as she tilts up her head and glares at me with her wretched eyes.
“Jane,” she hisses, her voice almost a whisper, “it’s time to say good-bye to your mother.” Her movement has reduced to a sporadic jerk. She’s dying. But why does it sound like she’s mocking me?
Suddenly, she springs back to life and whips her body around mine, so tightly I can’t move. She’s tricked me! And now, I’m her prisoner. Just like I was as a child.
“Why didn’t you kill me before?” I ask, choking out the words.
Her wicked eyes flicker like two bolts of lightning. “I would have but I needed you. To take care of that meddlesome imp.”
And to do all her other shit just like I did as a child. If only my rage could empower me to break free of her bone-crushing grip.