Page 85 of Naughty Nelle
I winced. “My boss, Blake Burns, gave me the authority to make decisions.”
“That fucking prick.” He squeezed me tighter. He was hurting me. I could hardly breathe.
“The contestants were in too much pain.” The words barely made it out of my mouth.
“I’ll show you pain, you cunt.”
Only one person had ever called me that. That night. Sophomore year. Don cut the painful memory short and shoved me into the capsule on the wheel.
“What are you doing?” I gasped. My inner panic button sounded.
“You’re going for a ride, you little ho.”
The monster stomped on a large button on the floor and then, to my horror, hopped into the capsule. The wheel began to spin. As it ascended, he tore off my blouse and tossed it onto the set. I heard the pearl buttons ping across the floor as he slammed me down onto the cushion. His wretched eyes held me prisoner.
“Let go of me!” I screamed as he pinned me down by my shoulders.
“Shut up!” He slapped me hard across the face and then groped my quivering breasts. Fear filled every crevice of my being.
“Stop it!” I cried, futilely fighting him off. If only I had my purse, I could use my pepper spray. But in my angst-out state, I’d left it in the booth.
He squeezed my nipples and laughed. “Do you let that asshole boss of yours do things to you?”
“Let go of me. Please.” As I twisted and turned, a sharp pain pierced the back of my hand. For sure, a bee had stung me. Tears stung my eyes. Sobs wracked my body.
“Shut the fuck up and spread your legs, bitch. Or I’ll do it for you.”
I watched with wide-eyed horror as he zipped down his fly, and his dick, a thick wad of repulsive pulsating flesh, sprung from his pants. He thrust himself on top of me, crushing me with his weight.
“I’m going to ram you like a jackhammer. Make it so it hurts to walk, slut.” He began to rip off my skirt and panties at once. “You’re going to pay for what you did, cunt!”
“No!” I cried out at the top of my lungs. Hot tears poured from my eyes. Desperately, I tried to fight him off, but his weight held me down. My sobs and screams filled the air. Oh please, God, no!
Then, as if my prayer had been answered, another voice roared. Three magical words.
“You fucking bastard!”
The End