Page 44 of Endless Love
I nodded. “She doesn’t like to talk about it much. She’s on some kind of sabbatical.”
My inquisitive sister persisted. “Haven’t you Googled her? Gone on Facebook? Or Instagram?”
I told my sister that I couldn’t find anything about her on social media. Truthfully, I’d kept away.
Narrowing her eyes with suspicion, Mimi dragged the pad of her thumb along her lips. “That’s odd.”
I came to Willow’s defense. “Not everyone is an open book.”
“Says the man who wrote a tell-all memoir.”
“Says the woman who keeps secrets.”
Just like when we were kids, my sister and I were at each other. Verbal sparring.
Then, my sister’s expression turned solemn. “Ryan, I just don’t want to see you get hurt again.”
I twitched a small smile. Even though we had our moments—and what siblings didn’t?—my sister had my back. She always had…even when we were growing up with our dysfunctional, inattentive parents. And if it hadn’t been for her, I don’t know how I would have gotten through those god-awful months following Allee’s death. She’d even offered to be a surrogate and carry Allee’s baby if that helped, but I didn’t want her to bear that responsibility nor was I ready. After taking a sip of my cream soda, I responded.
“We’re taking it slowly, day by day.”
“Are you sleeping together?”
My muscles tensed. How should I answer that question?
“It’s complicated. We’ve fucked, but we haven’t spent the night together.”
Mimi cocked a brow. “Why is that?”
“She’s living with her father. He owns the deli around the corner. Their apartment is above it. Her bedroom is right next door to his. That’s pretty awkward.”
“So, why doesn’t she stay over here?”
“I can’t have her sleeping in the bed I shared with Allee.”
Mimi leaned back in her chair. “Little bro, I know how much that bed means to you, but maybe it’s time to get rid of it. And move on.”
I tensed. It was like she and Dr. Goodman were in cahoots with one another. “I’ll think about it.” My laissez-faire reaction to her comment was a far cry from the outraged one I had in my shrink’s office a few weeks ago.
Then, another thought entered my mind. “And besides, I don’t think it would be good for Violet to see her uncle in bed with a woman he wasn’t married to. I don’t want to give her the wrong impression.”
My sister’s reaction surprised me, though it shouldn’t have, given how liberal she was.
“Actually, I wouldn’t have a problem with that. Vi has only seen two women sleeping together in bed. For her, that’s the norm. It would be healthy for her to see how the heterosexual population lives, especially since she’s already a little boy crazy.”
“She already likes boys?”
Before my sister could reply, Violet’s sweet voice filled our ears. Sporting a bright smile, she came skipping toward us. Willow and Beth trailed behind her.
My eyes stayed on the adorable little girl as she curled her tiny hand on the back of one of the chairs around the table.
“Guess what!” she said excitedly. “Willow taught me how to do a plié in first position. Watch!”
Our eyes stayed on her as she put her heels together, forming a V, and then bent her knees so that she was almost squatting. She held out her other slender arm gracefully. A smile formed on Willow’s face as she looked on.