Page 16 of Jane Deyre
Edwina caresses Pilote, who’s now curled up and sleeping in her arms. “My dear, I’m afraid I’m an ancient dinosaur and can’t answer that question. I know nothing about technology.”
The click-clack of heels against the hardwood floor reverberates in my ears. I turn my head in the direction of the footsteps. Coming our way is Ms. Fairfax, holding a thick binder against her chest. Her cold gray eyes lock on mine. The temperature in the house again feels like it’s dropped ten degrees.
She shifts her attention to my new employer. “Edwina, why are you spending so much time with this low—?” She stops herself from saying lowlife. Standing ramrod straight, she sniffs in contempt of me. Her nose crinkles.
“We have far more important things to do... like go over details that pertain to the benefit. I shall remind you... it’s only three months away... And your health is deteriorating.”
Edwina lets out an exasperated breath. “Sometimes I wish I could call it off.”
Ms. Fairfax shoots Grace a scathing look. Grace visibly shakes. It’s obvious she’s intimidated by her. I make a decision: I’m not going to let Edwina’s chief of staff intimidate me. In the foster system, I met way more fearsome women. And men. She’s nothing compared to them.
She purses her thin lips. “Grace, why are you idly standing around?”
Poor Grace cowers under her superior’s scrutinizing gaze. I have the urge to take the woman into my arms. To protect her.
Ms. Fairfax’s harsh gaze stays on her. “Have you prepared lunch?”
The housekeeper nervously shakes her head no.
The chief of staff scoffs at her. “What are you waiting for, you stupid mute? It’s almost noon.”
Edwina intervenes. “Alice, please! That’s no way to talk to Grace. She’s been readying the guesthouse for our lovely Jane.”
At my name, Alice’s face tightens; her nostrils flare. The vein in her temple pulses.
Edwina, not reacting, continues. “And, Alice, while you’re here... Jane has a question for you.”
I do?I look at her blankly.
“You know, dear. About Wi-Fi.”
My heart stutters. “Right... Ms. Fairfax, does the guesthouse have Wi-Fi?”
She narrows her eyes at me. “It’s highly unlikely as it hasn’t been occupied for over twenty years.”
My first thought: Who lived there previously? But this isn’t the time to ask. I build up the courage to make a request.
“Ms. Fairfax, it’s important I have Internet access.”
She sneers. “I don’t see why someone whose sole responsibility is to play patty-cake with some imp and to put her to bed would need it.”
Edwina jumps in. “Alice, if she needs it, she needs it. Please make the necessary arrangements.”
Alice screws up her face. “Very well.” She turns to me. “Are we all done here?”
A shiver crawls down my spine. The sooner I can get away from this dragon lady the better.
“I guess I’ll make my way to the guesthouse.” Truth: I have no idea where it is.
Edwina makes eye contact with her longtime housekeeper. “Grace, would you be a dear and please show Jane to the guesthouse?”
The woman’s face turns ashen. And then she nods like one of those bobblehead dolls. Her right eye twitches.
Thanking her, I pick up my vision board with my free hand.
I feel Edwina’s eyes on me. “After you’re all settled in, please come back to the house. I shall give you a tour and then we’ll all have lunch together. Maybe on the veranda, if it’s not too hot. Otherwise, in the dining room. Lunch is served promptly every day at twelve thirty.”