Page 58 of Jane Deyre
Ms. Fairfax’s shrill voice jolts me back to the present. She glares at Mr. Rochester. “That petulant child deserves to be punished.” Unsteadily, she rises to her feet with her teacup in hand and examines her tea-stained jacket. “Look what she did! She’s ruined my suit!”
I stifle a snort. She must have dozens of them.
The formidable man facing me holds her coldly in his gaze while she rants on.
“I could have been severely burned. That spoiled brat needs a good strapping... like the ones I got when I misbehaved.”
Mr. Rochester’s eyes grow fierce with fury. “I will do no such thing. And if you dare to put a belt to her skin, come anywhere close to her with one, you will be answering to me.”
Ms. Fairfax holds her head up high. Without another word, she does an about-face and stomps back into the house.
Mr. Rochester glances down at his watch. “Excuse me. I have a plane to catch.”
Still wailing, Adele clings to her father’s leg. “Papa, please don’t go! Please!” She grows more hysterical. More desperate.
Using some force, I pull her away from her father as gently as I can and lift her into my arms. She wraps her petite limbs around me and continues to bawl. I feel her hot tears soak through my hoodie.
My eyes fix on her father. I detect a glint of guilt in them. Or is it remorse? His eyes connect with mine. Is he thinking about his upcoming trip? Adele’s loss? Or about what happened between us last night? It’s hard to tell.
As I stare at him, my heart aching with desire, I remember what I need to do. My chest tightens and my stomach knots with dread. “Mr. Rochester, I need to talk to you before you leave. Tell you something important. I’ve made a decision—”
He cuts me off brusquely. “Miss Deyre, it’s going to have to wait until I return or you can text me. I’m going to miss my flight.”
I lose my courage. Her sobs subsiding, Adele lifts her head. Her face is blotchy, her eyes bloodshot, and her lips are still wobbling. Given her fragile state, it’s probably better I didn’t tell Mr. Rochester I’m resigning in front of her. And make her burst into tears again. She turns to look at her father.
“Papa, will you be back soon?”
He nods. “In a few days.”
I won’t be here.
“Will you bring me back a present?”
“I’ll try. I’m going to be very busy.”
Yeah. Screwing some supermodel. My face turns somber. My whole body stiffens. Maybe it’s for the best I’m leaving. I close my eyes for a couple of breaths, allowing myself to refuel my fortitude.
He notices the change in my demeanor. “Are you okay, J—?” He stops himself from saying my name.
“I’m fine.” Who am I kidding? I’m a mess. A mad jumble of warring emotions. I focus my attention on Adele.
“Papa, will you kiss me goodbye?”
Silently, I repeat her words.Will you kissmegoodbye?
A small smile lifts his lips. “Of course.”
He plants a soft kiss on the crown of her head as she throws her arms around his shoulders. I feel an ache in my chest, a fire kindling inside of me.
How I long to have his lips on mine one last time! Actually, anywhere would do.
He gives her another kiss before pivoting on his heel. “Be a good girl. I’ll see you soon.”
Before leaving, he reaches into the back pocket of his jeans. Withdraws his phone. Removes a card from the case.
“Jane, here’s a credit card. Use it if you need anything. Buy yourself something you want. I’ve asked Fairfax again to get someone to fix the lock of your front door. If she doesn’t come through, do it yourself. Put it on my card.”
No need.I’ll be gone by noon. If not sooner.