Page 106 of Remember Me
“It’s an amazing boat. Is this where you keep her?”
“Yup. The Marina’s her home.”
Good. A location. Finn and Billings will know where I am. I follow Sheldon as he leads me up a ramp. The cold, damp air makes me shiver. Despite the chatter of my teeth, the pig doesn’t offer me his jacket. I hug myself to ward off the chill as I climb up the steep incline.
The captain of the ship welcomes us aboard. He tells Sheldon that his other guests are already here. They’re waiting in the stateroom. “Let me know if you need anything, sir.”
“What’s the weather forecast?”
“Not good. The fog won’t be lifting any time soon. The winds are at forty-five knots and a storm’s coming in.”
Sheldon pats his back. “Keep me posted. We can weather anything, right?”
The captain dons a nervous smile. “Of course, sir.”
A cloud of doubt as thick as the fog falls over me. Maybe he won’t take things further with me. The tweak of a nipple isn’t enough to put him where I want him. Wondering what hisintentions are and worrying about the weather conditions, I let him lead me to the third level. He cups a hand on my ass as we step into the elegantly appointed quarters.
The stateroom.
“Sweetheart, I want you to meet my pal.”
Hovering over the bar, the trim, silver-haired man pivots around. I gulp down my shock.
It’s my former boss! Jim Hartley. Now almost sixty. As dapper as ever.
Clad in charcoal gray slacks and a black cashmere turtleneck and carrying a tumbler of some amber-colored liquid, he strides toward me. Sheldon introduces us, telling him my name.
He doesn’t recognize me. His lustful eyes travel down my body like a slow-speed elevator, making a stop at every level. A lascivious smile slithers across his face. I want to rip it off.
“Hello, gorgeous,” he drawls.
“She’s a hot one,” pipes up Sheldon. “And she’s smart.”
“Brains and beauty. It doesn’t get any better.”
Utterly disgusted, I compose myself, and in my most seductive voice, I test him.
“I think we’ve met before.”
“Darlin’, if we had, surely I wouldn’t have forgotten. I never forget a beautiful woman.”
Left-handed, he takes a sip of his cocktail—for sure a bourbon. I notice he’s still wearing a wedding band. The scumbag. Maybe, that’s why several female colleagues abruptly left the department while I was there. I even remember him inappropriately touching me on occasion. Giving me a pat on my ass. Sometimes a shoulder massage. There were also sexually insinuating comments. I brushed them off as playful innuendos. My mind jumps; my tongue burns with questions. Was he involved with my attempted murder? Did he know I wasinvestigating Greenberg? Before I can go any further with my conspiracy theory, Sheldon diverts me.
“Gorgeous, let’s have some kinky-ass fun.” He puts my hand to his crotch, rubbing it up and down. Right in front of him is Jim, who lecherously looks on while nursing his drink. An enormous erection forms under my palm. I feel nauseous.
“Sheldon, please stop it. You told me I could pitch you my movie idea.”
I try to pull away, but he won’t let me. “Stop it!” I repeat, my voice rising.
“C’mon, sweetheart. The pitch can wait. Let’s get to know each other better. Jimbo wants to watch. Then, play with us.”
Play with us?What does that mean?
“Shelby baby, I’m ready.”
To my horror, my former boss sets his drink on a table and then shoves me to my knees. He holds my head down.
“What’s going on?” I cry out as Sheldon keeps my hand pressed to his appendage.