Page 41 of Remember Me
“Rosita brought your bags up to your bedroom, so unless you need anything more, I’m going to split.”
I need you.I practically choke on the thought and gasp for air.
“You’re sure you’re okay, Scarlet?”
I nod. “Yes. I’m getting over something, but I’m perfectly fine.” Who am I kidding? I still feel sick to my stomach. Worse than before.
Finn looks concerned. “Will you be able to start with Maddie tomorrow?”
“Of course.” I pause. “I just need a good night’s rest.”
“Excellent. If you’re up for it, why don’t you join us for dinner?”
The temptation is great, but I need to get away from him. Gain clarity. Gain composure.
“Um, uh, thank you, but I want to settle in and go over your daughter’s first day of school. I want to personally evaluate her reading and math levels with some testing. We’re going to start with an integrated unit on food groups and nutrition. And I plan to introduce her to French.”
Finn’s face lights up. “That sounds perfect. I have a good feeling things are going to work out. My daughter has already taken a strong liking to you.”
And me to her.Understatement.I already love her so much. I always have. Even in my bleakest times. She’s born from my flesh and bones. Ourflesh and bones.Our love.
As I reflect on what my wise savior, Sister Marie, once told me—love never dies—Finn glances down at his watch. The vintage one I bought him for his thirtieth birthday. The worn leather band is now covered with paint flecks. A small victory for me. He still wears it!
“Hey, let me know if you need anything. Rosita left the keys on the kitchen counter. Please lock the door at night.” His cell phone pings. A text. He slips it out of his pocket and looks down at the screen. His dense brows knit together. “I’m sorry. I need to get back to Kayla.”
At the mention of her name, the nausea that subsided rushes back full force to my chest. I desperately need to get to a bathroom. Without another word, I dash up the stairs, hoping it’s en suite with my bedroom. Behind me, I hear the front door slam shut. Finn’s gone.
Gripping my gut, I find the bathroom and dart inside it. Falling to my knees on the cold tile floor, I fold myself over the toilet and do what I’ve needed to do since finding out Finn now belongs to another.
I vomit.
Except I don’t wretch my guts. There’s nothing inside me. Sobbing, I vomit tears. Tears upon tears.
I watch as they drip into the bowl, making tiny starbursts as they collide with the water. I cry and I cry and I cry. The tears endless.
My husband lost me. Now, I’ve lost him.
The tears still spilling, I flush the toilet and watch my old life whirl away.
The next couple of weeks keep me busy. I spend them mostly in my studio readying my final paintings for my first solo exhibition. My time spent with my daughter is limited, but according to her new teacher, she’s doing well. Maddie substantiates it, excitedly telling me about the things she’s learning day after day. She’s even impressed me with her French.
“Je t’aime. Tu es mon héro.”
“What does that mean?” I ask over breakfast, unable to speak a word of the language.
“It means: I love you, Daddy. You are my hero!” she says proudly, scooping up a heaping tablespoon of Raisin Bran.
Unusual words for beginner’s French. But nonetheless, I’m touched by them. So charming and heartfelt.
Maddie hasn’t stop telling me how much she loves her new teacher. Wanting to get to know her better, I’ve asked Scarlet to join us for dinner on more than one occasion, especially because Maddie wants her there, but she’s politely declined. She keeps to herself. Sometimes, I think she’s deliberately avoiding me and whenever Kayla is around she disappears. A sadness often washes over her. She seems like an old soul. Hiding something behind her eyes.
Things with Kayla are on edge. She’s more preoccupied with our pending nuptials than my first solo show. Frustrated that nothing is falling into place. Two weeks after Scarlet’s arrival, she insists we go out for dinner to talk.
“Jacques, this looks divine,” coos my fiancée as our meal is served. She’s seated across from me at her new favorite French restaurant. Le Petit Peu.