Page 29 of Rest In Pieces
“Spoke to her briefly when it came out that she can’t have kids. I told her I was in the same boat.” He shrugs like it’s nothing, but that’s not true. Everyone at the club knows he can’thave kids, but it’s not something talked about. Mostly because we all know how much he wants them.
“What did you think of her?”
“She’s hot. She caught everyone’s eye, but she has an air of menace about her.”
“You think there’s something off about her?”
“Not like that. She’s prickly. Like she’d sooner fuck a brother up than let him in her pussy,” he says, getting on his bike.
“Sounds like she’s just my type.” I grin before putting my helmet on.
I start my bike and pull out of the warehouse, stopping only for Hoops, the prospect on the gate, to open it and let us out. I follow the dirt road to the main road and wait for Midas to catch up. Once he’s beside me, we head into town.
I use the ride to clear my head. After spending the morning focused on Amity, I haven’t had a chance to think about Blade. I can’t say drinking the night away helped, but I’m not as pissed off as I was before.
Maybe it’s King’s words from last night finally sinking in. Blade has given everything for this club, sacrificing every relationship that might have made others question his priorities. But King’s right—when is it enough? When does he get to have a life of his own and be selfish about it? Being club president is like being a parent to a bunch of unruly teenagers. He’s always on call, and every buck stops with him, no matter who fucks up. That shit’s exhausting day to day, but doing it day in and day out for twenty-five years? I couldn’t do it.
So doesn’t that just make me the prick in this scenario?
We pull up at the bar and park, pulling our helmets off before heading inside. The Lookout is owned and run by Jimmy Hake, a guy with six ex-wives and engaged to his next one. His track record should send women running, but there’s something about him that draws them in like flies to shit.
Jimmy is behind the bar when I walk in, his eyes lifting to mine before he grins.
“I figured you’d be sleeping it off all day.”
“If you worked the late shift, what are you doing here so early?”
“This place would fall apart without me. What can I say? The Lookout’s the love of my life.”
“Guess that’s why you’re on wife number seven.”
“Nah, I don’t think it’s going to work out with Shelby. She’s refusing to sign a prenup. I’m all for taking risks, but not when it comes to this place. So, what brings you both in?” He nods to Midas.
“Loverboy here is looking for Cinderella,” Midas says.
Jimmy frowns. “Who?”
“The girl that took me home last night. You remember me talking to her at the bar? She was with another girl.”
He shakes his head. “Last I saw of you, you were talking to King. I was in the cellar when you left.”
“Shit.” I run my fingers through my hair.
“I can ask around, see if anyone remembers her, and give you a call.”
“Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”
“She do something?”
“Nah, nothing like that. The club owes her a debt.”
“Alright, I’ll keep you posted.”
“Jimmy!” We all turn as Jimmy’s newest bartender, Amanda, shouts.
“What’s got you hollering like a banshee, woman?”
Amanda stands with her hands on her hips, looking pissed as fuck. “The delivery driver’s getting handsy again. If you don’t keep him away from me, I’m going to kneecap the asshole.”