Page 85 of Rest In Pieces
“Maybe you just didn’t close it properly when you saw me outside, overcome by my good looks,” I joke, but she doesn’t laugh.
“I’m pretty sure I did, but I didn’t check, so it’s possible.” She shrugs. “This stalker thing must have me more paranoid than I realized.”
Pounding on the door has me pulling my gun and yanking it open. Monica freezes at the sight, and I curse. I lower my gun and notice the letter in her hand. “Shit.”
I put my gun away and grab the letter from her. Amity steps back, and I frown at her, but Monica starts crying, pulling my attention back to her.
“It’s like they knew the second you left me,” she sobs.
“They don’t know I’m here for you. So they probably just saw an opportunity and took it.” She looks at me, tears streaming down her face.
“Calm down,” I tell her gently. “While you’re on set, surrounded by everyone, you’re safe, and I’m always close if you need me.”
She nods and wipes the tears from her face as I pull the letter from the envelope.
My dearest Agatha,
I saw that look in your eyes today. You didn’t notice me watching, but my eyes are always drawn to your beauty. You looked sad today, and I wanted to sweep you into my arms and make you smile.
Soon, my dear, we won’t have to hide our love from prying eyes. I long for the days when your lips are on mine and my cock is buried deep in your cunt.
The countdown has begun, lover.
Fuck, that escalated quickly.
“He’s here, isn’t he?” Monica whimpers, and I look up to see the fear in her eyes as she rubs her hands up and down her arms.
Shit. Now I feel guilty because I’m supposed to be here to stop this shit from happening, and all I can think about is Amity.
I turn my head to look at my girl with an apology in my eyes, but she shakes her head.
“It’s fine. You do what you have to. This asshole needs to be caught, and fast. I’m going to be hanging out with Nevaeh for a bit anyway, remember?”
“Right. I’ll call you when I’m done.”
She nods but doesn’t move, and I stand there staring at her.
“I live here, so you two are the ones who need to leave,” she reminds me.
“Right. I must be losing it.”
“We’ve all got a lot on our plates. Don’t sweat it. You okay, Monica?” Amity asks gently.
Monica looks up at her and nods robotically. Amity looks at me with a worried frown, but I shrug. I’m a bodyguard, not a therapist.
“Come on, Monica, let’s get you a drink and fill Stefan in,” I say, motioning for her to leave. I look back at Amity. “I’m gonna make it up to you later by spending an hour eating you out.”
“You’re just doing your job.”
“Are you saying no?”
“Do I look insane?” she says, looking at me like I’m the crazy one, making me smile.
“If I say yes, can I tie you to the bed and play doctor?”
She bites her lip, mischief lighting up her eyes. “Maybe. I’m no actress, though,” she murmurs, moving closer until she’s right in front of me. Then, in a move that has my mouth dropping open and my cock going rock hard, she grabs her leg and does a standing split.
“But I do my own stunts.”