Page 95 of Rest In Pieces
Nevaeh spins out of Amity’s hold and heads back to the car, but I step in front of her to block her way. “Relax, Tinkerbell. I won’t let anything happen to you. You stick with Amity, and I’ll keep you covered.”
“I don’t know, G. I’m so far out of my element here.”
“Trust me, okay? You’re gonna have a blast.”
She blows out a nervous breath but nods. “The food does smell amazing and I’m craving a big juicy burger. Okay. Show me how to party like a biker.”
I laugh, taking Amity’s hand. “Let’s start with a barbecue and work up to that instead.”
“That’s probably a better idea,” she mutters as I lead them through the warehouse and out the other side.
“Oh, wow.” She gasps as she takes it all in.
“Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction too. It almost feels like you’re stepping back in time, right?” Amity says.
Nevaeh nods. “If you swap out cowboys for bikers and horses for Harleys.”
I chuckle and let them talk as we head towards the saloon, taking them around the back to the large outdoor area set up for the barbecue. When Amity and I finally got out of bed this morning and made our way downstairs so I could take her back to the RV to get ready, Sunshine already had the prospects hard at work setting up outside. I gotta say, it looks good.
There are a couple of fire pits scattered around, along with a half dozen outdoor sofas that Sunshine insisted on, giant beanbags—impossible to get out of when drunk—and floor cushions big enough for two. A few extra tables have been brought out for guests to sit at, and a large cooking station has been set up at the far end with a couple of grills and a pizza oven. Not too far from that is a huge table that fits all the brothers with space left over for more. It cost the club a small fortune, but it was worth it.
“This is beautiful,” Amity says in awe.
“This is all Sunshine. Can’t deny the woman added a touch of class to the place.”
“That’s for sure.”
“I’ll admit, this is beyond anything I ever imagined.” Nevaeh laughs as I guide them over to one of the empty tables.
Hannibal and Midas spot us and make their way over. I don’t miss how they both check out Nevaeh, and neither does Amity. She steps in front of her and crosses her arms over her chest.
“Oh, come on.” Midas throws up his hands. “Tinkerbell’s my friend too, you know.”
“He’s fine, Amity.” Nevaeh laughs before noticing Hannibal. She leans forward and whisper-shouts to Amity. “That one looks like he wants to eat me, though.”
The smile that spreads across Hannibal’s face sends a chill down my spine.
“Nevaeh, this is Hannibal. Hannibal, this is Nevaeh.”
“Of course it’s Hannibal. I knew it. No, sir, I will not put the lotion on my skin.”
“That was Buffalo Bill,” Amity tells her, making Nevaeh scowl.
“I think you’re missing the point.”
“How about I get you ladies a drink?” I ask before this turns into one of their random arguments.
Amity surprises me. “I’ll take a water.”
“Diet Coke if you’ve got it.”
“I’m sure I can find one. Everyone sit. Make yourselves comfortable.”
“Neither of you drink? How come?” Midas asks as he pulls out the chair next to Nevaeh.
“I’m an alcoholic,” Nevaeh answers, making me pause.