Page 18 of Say Uncle
When the waitress returned with his plain old boring iced tea, sans rum, and a basket of fries, he dug in happily, licking the grease from his fingers as he talked.
“You know what else I like about having a Daddy? Ilike to please him and be praised. It makes me feel… I don’t know, a little high. Not that I know what it feels like to get high, but if I imagined what it was like, that’s what I would feel.”
“Yeah.” He dropped his voice lower. “Do you know what else?”
I leaned in closer, dying to hear what he would reveal. “What?”
“I like to pretend it’s my first time and that I need instructions.”
“Your first time?” My voice hitched, and I coughed to clear my throat.
“Yeah, I like to chase the thrill of my first time. I pretend like I don’t know what I’m doing and wait for my Daddy and Sam to give me instructions and walk me through it step-by-step.”
Damn, that could be hot. I thought of it, thought of Nicky, on his knees, looking up at me with his big, trusting brown eyes, waiting for me to tell him in detail how to suck my dick. Fuck, it kicked in my pants. I wouldn’t doubt there was a wet spot on my briefs.
“How about you? What do you like?” he asked, teasing his lips with a french fry.
“I don’t know, to be honest. I’ve never been with a guy. Hell, I’ve never been with anyone.”
“Really?” He reached out, wrapping his small handaround my biceps. “You look so… experienced,” he purred.
“Are you flirting with me, little man?”
“Ha, no. But I saw you with a guy at the club in Barbados. It looked like you knew exactly what you were doing.”
“I wish. I was just testing the waters, you know? Figuring out what I like.”
He finished off his french fry and then picked up his glass, taking a long swig from the straw. “Do you know who could teach you?” I raised my brows. “Sam.”
“Get the fuck out.”
“No, I mean it. You should totally ask him to teach you.”
“Nicky, I don’t know what kind of kinky little world you live in, but in the real world, shit doesn’t work like that. I can’t just ask my uncle to teach me about sex. In fact, the only thing worse than havingpeople tell me what to do is having people laugh at me. And if I asked him that, he would do both.”
“Bet you he wouldn’t,” Nicky dared. “I bet you would enjoy being his brat, pushing his buttons, and making him work for it. Just like I get high on being submissive, I bet you would get off on fighting for that small measure of control from him.”
“Fuck, where do you come up with this shit? You look, so…”
“I know. I look like a nerd. It’s okay, you can say so. Iama nerd.”
“Yeah, but a devious, kinky, hot little nerd.”
Nicky giggled, bringing out my smile. “Just think about it,” he insisted.
“Yeah, I’ll think about it.”
“So what’s in your backpack?” he asked, eyeing the gray bag hooked on my chair.
“I don’t know, stuff. My camera.”
“You got a camera in there?”
“Yeah, I like to take pictures.”
“Of what?”