Page 24 of Say Uncle
“Please, Uncle Sam, give it to me. Let me try.”
I wanted to try! Let it beme.
“Hold still, sweet little boy, while I fill your ass up.”
Shit,shit!I was coming, soaking my fucking underwear. My dick throbbed, releasing pulse after pulse of hot cum, squeezing between my fingers. I had nowhere to wipe my hand off, and I looked around, hoping to find something to improvise with. Jackpot! I spotted a spigot attached to the side of the house and turned it on. Hot water sprayed in every direction, soaking my jeans, and I lost my balance and fell into the trash can, knocking it over. It hit the concrete pad with a loud bang.
Fuck! There was no way he didn’t hear that. I tensed, panicking. I had to leave, had to run before he found me. I rolled to my knees and climbed to my feet, reaching into my pocket for my keys, but I was too slow. Too late. When I turned, I met Sam’s eyes, glaring at me through the bedroom window.
I tried to make a mad dash for my car, but I hadn’t even cleared the front yard before the front door slammed open. “Stop,” his voice boomed. Fuck, I had to stop. If I left, he might call my parents. “Come here, Mattie.”
When I turned, I saw Sam standing on his front porch with his hands on his hips. The only other thing that covered his hips besides his hands were black cotton boxer briefs. He hadn’t bothered with a shirt or pants or shoes. His cum was probably still dried on his cock.
He sat down on the front step, and I shuffled across the yard, reluctantly dropping beside him.
I felt like a total fucking loser. Never in my life had I felt this low. Hot tears burned my eyes, but I refused to let them fall in front of Sam.
“Do you want to tell me what you were doing outside my window?”
My jeans were soaked. It didn’t take a fucking genius to figure out what I’d been doing. Instead of answering, I shook my head and then buried it in my hands. I jumped when I felt his warm, solid hand land on my back.
“At some point, you’re going to have to let yourself find happiness, even if it’s between another man’s legs.”
“Is that where you found yours?”
Sam sighed, his hand now rubbing gentle circles on my back. He wasn’t yelling at me or threatening to call my parents. His generosity made my tears burn hotter.
“I don’t think it’s something you can understand until you’ve experienced it. That feeling of letting go and everything falling into place inside of you. When you stop fighting yourself and embrace who you really are, you’ll find your happiness.”
“I want that. I want that more than anything.”
“Do you want it badly enough to face your father? To risk losing everything you have?”
I had no answer for him. Part of me wanted toscream yes, fuck everything that I’ve known, everything that was familiar to me. How could it all measure up to what he had with Cass and Nicky? But another part of me couldn’t deny that I was scared, and that fear kept me frozen and mute.
“You’ll know when you’re ready,” he assured me. “Would you like to come inside?”
Yes! But I shook my head no instead, still ashamed of spying on them. I wasn’t sure that I could shoulder the embarrassment of Cass and Nicky knowing I’d overheard them.
“I’m not asking, I’m telling you. Come inside.”
That! That right there was why I needed him so desperately. Because he could do for me what I couldn’t do for myself. Because he always knew what the right thing was, what I needed most. And right now, what I needed most was to not be alone.
I followed him inside with my head hung low, and he disappeared into his bedroom, probably to get cleaned up. I plopped down on the sofa, and a moment later, Nicky joined me.
“Hey, Mattie.” He wore another of his favorite seahorse shirts, this one also black, that said, ‘I just really like seahorses, ok?’ Despite my shitty mood, I grinned. Really, I couldn’t help it. Nicky had a way of doing that to me. He wore plaid pajama bottoms and red socks. “We should playMonopoly! Would you like some coffee? Or a soda?”
How about an entire bottle of whiskey?
“No thanks, I’m good,” I mumbled.
He placed his small hand on my knee, squeezing affectionately. “How about a back rub? Or we could put on some music and dance!”
Fuck it, I couldn’t hold them back any longer. The tears fell unchecked down my cheeks, rolling onto my wet jeans. He wrapped his skinny arms around my shoulders and pulled me against his flat chest.
“Maybe all you need are some hugs.”