Page 53 of Say Uncle
A private yacht all to myself, well, myself and my sexy lovers—plural. Who had died and left me in charge of someone else’s life?
Nicky plopped down between my legs, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck, like a kitten seeking affection.
“Did you remember to put on sunblock?” I asked.
“Yes, ugh, you’re worse than my Daddy.”
“Well, later, make a point of letting him know you reapplied it, and you might just earn another punch on your stupid card.”
“That’s a great idea!” He rubbed his bare toesalong my calf. “Of course, you could just tell him you saw me doing good deeds, so I get extra punches.”
“I could also tell him you’re scheming and lying, so you lose some of those punches.”
“You’re terrible,” he pouted, with his arms crossed over his chest. “You’re supposed to spoil me; I’m your baby brother.”
“We’re the same age, cut the bullshit. Also, I told you, I’m fine with cousins, butnotbrothers. It’s too close a relation. Skeeves me the fuck out.”
Nicky giggled. He turned and gave me the softest, sweetest kiss that made my dick half-hard.
Then he resettled in my arms. “I love you,” he sighed happily.
My heart seized up, pounding painfully, like someone had punched me in the chest. He loved me? I mean, I was fond of him. Maybe crazy about him, but love?InLove? How did you know when you were in love? Was it supposed to be totally obvious? Or was it more subtle, like you had to take a guess?
Nicky was so free with his affection, whereas I was more guarded. Maybe in the house he grew up in, people gave away their affections easily, but not in my house, because apparently, that made you gay, according to my father, the authoritarian on gayness.
I snorted, rolling my eyes, but then realized Nicky might think I was doing so in response to his declaration. I squeezed him tighter, dropping a kiss on his sweaty hair.
“I’m kind of crazy about you too, but don’t tell anyone, ‘cause I’m supposed to be a brat. Brats don’t get soft on others.”
He giggled again. “It’ll be our secret.”
The best part about this trip was that we didn’t have to sleep in the crew quarters, all crammed together in narrow bunks. Instead, we opted for the living room, converting the pull out couch to a huge bed we all fit in easily. We slept with the sliding glass doors pulled open, so we could enjoy the fresh salty breeze on our skin as we lay naked.
Sam steered us around the cock head of the country, and Nicky climbed up to the flybridge to see if he could spot the discoloration in the water from a greater height.
“I can’t see it,” he pouted, reaching for the binoculars.
“It might have something to do with the water temperature and seasons. Sorry to disappoint you, little one,” Sam offered.
“But I am disappointed,” he insisted.
I could hear him yelling, his voice carrying on the wind, followed by Sam’s. “I know a way to earn a punch on your card. Will that make you feel better?”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“Why don’t you drop to your knees and suck this load out of me? My balls are aching.”
“Sure! Will you tell my Daddy I did a good deed?”
“I will definitely relay the message,” Sam snickered.
That’s when everything changed. The sun felt too bright and hot, and the sweat rolling down my neck and chest annoyed me. My drink tasted sour, and I became sick of the smell of the salty air.
But mostly, I was fed up with Nicky’s dumb punch card.
I was fed up with his stupid look-at-me-I’m-a-slut-who-acts-little-for-attention routine.
And I was fed up with Sam, who, it seemed, would let just about anyone suck his cock.