Page 59 of Warrior's Walk
“Mama?” I can’t believe my lying eyes!
“My sweet Pecan.” She wraps me in a bear hug, nearly knocking me off my feet.
“What… How? How are you here, Mama?”
“Riggs came and got me, baby. You gonna invite us in?” she teases.
I stand aside to let them in, and when Riggs brushes past me, I grab his hand and squeeze. “Thank you,” I whisper, on the verge of tears.
He squeezes back and winks. “Anytime, soldier.”
Fuck me, this man went and got my mama. This man, who I already thought hung the fucking moon, drove all the way to Ruston to bring my mama back, ’cause he knew I needed her.
Yeah, forget holding back the tears. I don’t have the strength for that, either.
I follow them to the couch and sit between them. “Let me see your leg, baby.”
Obediently, I prop my leg on the coffee table, but Riggs moves it to his lap. He lifts my pajama pants up to expose the ugly maze of scars.
“Here and here are where they inserted rods,” he explains. “And this is where the pins were placed.” His finger traces the long, jagged scar and raised patch of grafted skin. “This was all torn and hanging, and most of the tissue died, so they grafted fresh skin from his thigh.” He raises his dark eyes to mine and smiles softly. “I think it’s healing nicely.”
My mama has tears in her eyes like me as she reaches out to touch my skin. “Sweet baby, my God, you’ve suffered!” She swallows her anguished sob and smiles valiantly. “I’m here now and I’ll take good care of you while you heal.”
Her words are a soothing balm on my ravaged soul. No matter how old I get, or how tough I’m supposed to be, I’m never not gonna want to crawl into her arms when I feel like shit.
Riggs lowers my leg and I regret the loss of his touch. Mama envelops me in her arms and I breathe in her sweet perfume, letting it wash over me until my tears dry up.
“How long you stayin’, Mama?”Forever?
“As long as you need me, baby.”
Thank fuck.
“Show me your place. I need to find a bathroom.”
Grabbing my crutches, I hop to my feet, feeling a rush of energy for the first time in days. “Isn’t it nice? Riggs picked out everythin’.” Mama gives Riggs a knowing look. His expression remains passive. “Down here’s the bedroom. I’ve got my own bathroom. First time I’ve ever had one all to myself.”
“Just one bedroom?” she asks, taking in the full-sized bed.
“Plenty big enough for me.” Then I realize what she’s saying. “You can have my bed, Mama. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“I won’t hear of it, you sassafras fool. I’ll check into an affordable hotel.”
I know for a fact my mama can’t afford nothing like that long term.
“I have a guest bedroom, Retta. Rhett can stay with me while I oversee his recovery.”
Retta?He’s on a first name basis with my mama? Fuck, my heart’s melting. But all I can focus on is that I’m apparently bunking with Riggs…indefinitely.
Forget my heart. My dick feels all perky and interested in that suggestion.
“There you go, Mama. I’ll bunk with Riggs.”
“That settles it, then,” she grins with satisfaction. “Now shoo. I gotta powder my nose.”
While she’s using the bathroom, I start packing a bag, seeing how it’s already dark and getting later by the minute. They must be exhausted from driving all day.
Riggs’s eyes follow me around my room. I catch his gaze and grin. I can’t help it. Feels like I just won the lottery. “You really got an extra bed, or you just sayin’ that for the sake of propriety?”