Page 26 of Pretty Heartache
She giggles, casting me a glance before turning back to Micah. “I didn’t think you’d remember me.”
“Oh, come on.” He jerks back. “You and Addy were always tied at the hip.”
My stomach flutters at his use of my childhood nickname. I told him to only call me Adeline, but I guess old habits are hard to break.
“We still are.” She elbows me.
I cover my ribs where she jabbed me.
“What are you doing these days?” Micah asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I’m a professional makeup artist and beauty influencer.”
“Why am I not surprised?” He smirks.
She shrugs and points to me. “Only a few lucky ones like Addy and myself have been able to become what we’ve wanted to be since we were little.”
“True.” His eyes dart to me. “Not all of us are as lucky.”
The storm I’ve come to see the last few times I’ve been with Micah has returned. My heart twists and aches at the sight of it. The desire to know his secrets swells inside me, ballooning in my chest, but Micah quickly pops that balloon with just three words:
“I’ll be upstairs.”
He leaves Ember and me, bounding up the stairs, his boots landing heavy on every other step as we watch him disappear.
I hold my breath, feeling Ember’s hardened stare on me like a spotlight. The light brightens and grows in strength, shining like a beacon.
I may have told Ember everything, but I might have left out this one minor detail.
“Oh. My. God,” she quietly says, craning her neck as if her head is on a swivel.
I chew on the inside of my cheek.
“I can’t believe you,” she hisses.
“Stop,” I whisper, looking up the stairs where Micah went. “I was going to tell you but…”
“But what?” Her eyes widen as her jaw drops. “You just forgot to tell me?”
I wince. “I’m sorry.”
Leaning closer, she whisper-shouts, “Holy shit,” in my face before she playfully taps me on my arm. “You didn’t tell me you moved into Micah Harding’s house.” She quickly glances back in the direction he disappeared. “And you’re living with him?”
I widen my eyes. “No, he isn’t staying here.” My throat is dry, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.
“So, this isn’t his house?” Her eyebrows knit, and she blinks. “I’m confused.”
I roll my eyes, my patience wearing thin. I probably should have mentioned me living at Micah’s house to my best friend, but I didn’t, and I don’t know why.
“Thisishis house,” I whisper back, my heart racing. I feel like I’ve been caught with my hand in the cookie jar so to speak. “But he doesn’t live here. He’s letting me stay here as long as I help fix it up.”
“Um.” She smacks her glossed lips, pointing to the stairs. “But he’s here, fixing it up.”
“I didn’t know that until today.” I cross my arms. “He hasn’t been here the whole time.”
“Are you comfortable staying here? I don’t mean just because you haven’t talked to him in ten years, but because of his history. Didn’t he just get out of prison a couple years ago?”
“He did, but I’m not going to hold that against him, Ember. It wouldn’t be fair. Archer trusts him, and he’s been a friend of our families for a long time. Just because he made a few mistakes doesn’t mean he’s a bad person.”